Early Native American Societies
European exploration/American Revolution
Colonization of America/American Revolution
The French and Indian War
Causes of the American Revolution

How did the first Native Americans likely arrive in North America?

What is the Bering Land Bridge, that connected Asia to North America (or Alaska, which is still North America), in the last ice age?


What were the primary reasons Europeans Nations, like Spain and Portugal began exploring the Americas?

Europeans sought new trade routes to Asia, wealth from gold and spices, and opportunities to spread Christianity.


Why did the English establish the Jamestown Colony? 

The English hope to find gold and established trade. 


What were the causes of the French and Indian war?

The causes were conflict over land between the French and British and North America.


What were the main arguments against the Stamp Act from the colonists’ perspective?

Colonists argued that they should not be taxed without their consent and representation in parliament. the phrase no taxation without representation became Central to their protest.


What were some similarities among Native American Groups in different regions of North and South America?

What is farmed, traded, and built permanent settlements?


Which Portuguese explorer was the first to round the southern tip of Africa?

Who was Bartolomeu Diaz who was the first to round the Cape of Good Hope in 1488? 


How did the Native American groups like the Powhatan Confederacy interact with Jamestown settlers? 

The Powhatan Confederacy initially resisted the settlers, but relations improved after Pocahontas married John Rolfe.


What were the major outcomes for Britain and the American colonies?

The outcomes were Britain won, gaining French territory, but they also gained debit, leading to increased taxes on the colonies.


What does the phrase “No taxation without representation” mean?

It means that the colonists believed that they should not be taxed by the British government without having representatives of parliament to speak on their behalf.


Differences among Native American groups in different regions of North and South America?

Northern groups like the Inuit hunted and fished, while southern groups like the Maya and the Aztec developed complex cities, agriculture, and written languages.


Who did Pocahontas marry?

Who was John Rolfe?


What challenges did the people of Jamestown face in the early years?

Early challenges included starvation, disease, and conflicts with Native Americans.


Why did the British issue the Proclamation of 1763?

The Proclamation of 1763 was issued to prevent colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains to avoid conflict with Native americans.


Why was the "No taxation without representation" protest important to the colonists?

 It was important to the colonists because this was the key reason for their resistance.


What role did geography play in shaping the lifestyles of Native American societies?

Geography influenced by their groups became Farmers hunters or traders. for example the industrial Pueblo in the southwest built Cliff Dwellings while the plane tribes relied on buffalo hunting.


What was the significance of the Battle of Saratoga during the revolutionary War?

The Battle of Saratoga was a major turning point because it convinced France to ally with the Americans, providing military support that helped them win the war.


Bonus Question: Why did the chicken cross the road?

To get to the other side!


How did the Colonists react to the Proclamation?

 The colonists were angry because they wanted to expand into the new lands.


What were the Townshend Acts?

Townshend Acts were taxes on imported goods like glass, paper, and tea.


What were some examples of complex Native American Societies in South America?

The Inca built an extensive Road Network and terraced farms in the andes. The Maya developed a written language and a calendar, while the Aztec created a large empire centered in Tenochtitlan.


What role did George Washington play in the American Revolution?

George Washington was the commander of the Continental Army and led Americans to victory though battles like Trenton and Yorktown. His leadership was crucial to the American victory.


What event marked the end of the American Revolution?

What was the Battle of Yorktown in 1781, where British General Charles Cornwallis surrendered to George Washington, marked the end of major fighting in the Revolutionary War?


How did French and Indian War lay the groundwork for the American revolution?

The war left Britain in debit, leading them to impose new taxes on the colonies (the Stamp Act). The colonists grew angry over "taxation without representation", setting the stage for revolution.


How did the colonists respond to the Townshend acts?

 Colonists responded with boycotts and protests, refusing to buy the British goods.