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Rivalry in North America
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A first-hand piece of evidence from people who saw or experienced the events described.

Example: letter, diary, official records, or an interview.

What is a primary source?


Portrayed as a Native American princess in movies, but she was really a diplomat who entered a marriage with the Englishman, John Rolfe.

Who is Pocahontas?


This was called the seven year war, though it really lasted nine years.

What is the French and Indian War?


This order barred colonists from living west of the Appalachian Mountains, on Native American land.

What is the Proclamation of 1763?


A biography, textbook, history book, or other information created after the event by people who were not part of the historical event.

What is a secondary source?


This group was persecuted- mistreated because of their beliefs- in England.

Who were the Separatists?


An important crop used to dye cloth (a blue flowering plant).

What is indigo?


to refuse to buy goods in protest.

What is boycott?

The imaginary lines that circle the Earth parallel to the equator. In other words, they run the same direction as the equator.

What are lines of latitude?


The Native Americans did not have good relations with this country. They thought this country was only interested in their land (resources).

Who were the British?


The 3 main crops that Southern colonies grew.

What are rice, corn, and wheat?


They argued they had a right to trial by jury and to be viewed as innocent until proved guilty.

Who were the British citizens known as colonists?

Passed in 1765, it became the first direct tax on the American Colonies.

What is The Stamp Act?

It explains the lines and colors used on a map. It also explains the symbols, signs and pictures.

What is a map key?


The Native Americans had good relations with this country. They traded furs and married their women.

Who were the French?

When farmers produce just enough food to feed their families with none left over to sell or trade.

What is subsistence farming?


A powerful group of Native Americans made up of six nations- the Mohawk, Seneca, Cayuga, Onondanga, Oneida, and Tuscarora.

What is the Iroquois Confederacy?


He was a printer, an inventor, and considered one of the founding fathers of America.

Who is Benjamin Franklin?


The imaginary line that circle the middle of the Earth like a belt. It divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemisphere.

What is the equator?


These people agreed to work without pay for a certain length of time, in order to pay for their passage to America.

Who were indentured servants?


The three-part route where prisoners (slaves) were loaded on ships and taken to a slave market when they reached American ports.

What is the triangle trade?