North American Indigenous Resistance
Historical Myths

The Conquistador Hernan Cortes was responsible for conquering this Meso American Empire.

What was the Aztec Empire?


This Lakota leader led the confederation that defeated General Custer at the Battle of Little Bighorn

Who was Sitting Bull?


This President acted Hispanic Heritage Month into Law.

Who is Ronald Reagan?


This nation was the first in the western hemisphere to abolish slavery.

What is Haiti?


Marie Antoinette famously said (albeit historically inaccurately) 

“Let them eat _” in response to the famine in France?

What is Cake/Brioche?


These two brothers were at war against each other in the Inca Empire. (100 for each you get)

What is Huascar and Atahualpa?


These protests fought against the construction of a pipeline that would hamper local communities’ water supply as well as burial grounds.

What were the Dakota Access Pipeline Protests / Standing Rock Protests?


This revolutionary helped four nations in Latin America gain independence, earning him the nickname “The Liberator”

Who is Simon Bolivar?


This invasion of Cuba was sponsored by the CIA, and led by Brigade 2506, a brigade of Cuban exiles.

What was The Bay of Pigs?


This 13th century document is thought of as the one of the first to espouse human rights and put limits on monarchy. Despite this, it was largely ignored in its time, being nullified by the Pope

What is the Magna Carta?


These were the names of the political states that made up the triple alliance. (100 for each you get)

What is Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, and Tlacopan?


This leader to the Wamponag people led the war referred to as “King Philip's War” against the New England colonies.

Who is Metacomet?


This Latin American nation was the first nation in the Western Hemisphere to allow legal access to safe abortions

What is Cuba?


This port in Jamaica became a hub of piracy in the 17th century.

What is Port Royal?


Samurai are often depicted as using weapons such as katanas, naginatas and bows and arrows. By 1543 they received firearms from this European empire.

What is the Portuguese Empire?


This claimed what colonizing power could claim what territories outside of Europe in 1494.

What is the Treaty of Tordesillas?


Pope’s Rebellion of 1680 saw this group of people fight off Spanish colonial powers in Santa Fe de Nuevo Mexico(Modern New Mexico) for 12 years.

Who are the Puebloans?


This Brazilian dance was popular in the 1980s, and had a song by the Brazilian band Kaoma named after it

What is the Lambada?


This country was the first nation in the western hemisphere to have running water.

What is Jamaica?


While Christopher Columbus is often associated with being the first person to arrive in North America from Europe, this Viking sailor arrived in Newfoundland half a century before Columbus.

Who is Leif Erikson?


The Inca had a 73.7 % survival rate with open skull surgery. Craniotomies today have a 74.2% survival rate. In spite of this, the Inca lacked this everyday tool.

What is the wheel or Alphabet?


This Mayan federation was able to defeat the Spanish, establishing a state in the Yucatan Peninsula in 1847.

What is Chan Santa Cruz?


This president of Peru served multiple terms, establishing the Grupo Colina, a death squad during 1992. Later, he dissolved the congress in 2002.

Who is Alberto Fujimori?


Fidel Castro had an obsession with dairy products(He built the largest Ice Cream Parlour in the world Parque Coppelia). What is the name of his prized cow.

Who is Ubre Blanca?


There is ongoing debate as to whether Moctezuma II believed Hernan Cortes was this Meso-American god.

Who is Quetzalcoatl?