Section 16.1
Section 16.2
Section 16.3
Section 16.4
Section 16.5

In 1820, how were free states/slave states divided?

There were 11 free states in the North and 11 free states in the South. 

Why did crisis over slavery reappear after the Missouri Compromise?
In 1849, with 15 free states and 15 slave states, California requested admission to the Union as a free state. This would unbalance the power in Congress. 

What was the bill proposed by Stephen Douglas to set up a government in the Nebraska Territory in 1854?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act was a bill suggesting that there would be two new states, Kansas and Nebraska, that would use popular sovereignty to decide on the issue of slavery.


Who formed the Republican party?

The founders of the Republican party were Free-Soilers, Northern Democrats, and antislavery Whigs. 


Who were the candidates of the Presidential Election of 1860?

Stephen Douglas (Northern Democrat)

John Breckinridge (Southern Democrat)

Abraham Lincoln (Republican)

John Bell (Constitutional Union, a new party formed to heal the split of the Democrats)


How did the Missouri Compromise solve the problem of Missouri wanting to be added as a slave state?

Missouri would be added as a slave state, while Maine would be added as a free state (12 slave, 12 free). An imaginary line would be drawn through the Louisiana Purchase Territory. All states above this line would be free, excepting Missouri, and all states below the line would allow slavery. 


What were the views of John Calhoun and Daniel Webster on slavery and southern secession?

John Calhoun, a southern Senator, supported slavery. He strongly believed all fugitive slaves should be returned to their owners and demanded that northerners admit the South had a right to reclaim property. He also refused to compromise and announced that the South would secede if slavery wasn't allowed in the West.

Daniel Webster, a northern Senator, viewed slavery as pure evil. However, he thought the breakup of the United States was much worse than a Fugitive Slave Act. He supported Henry Clay's plea to save the Union, thinking a bloody civil war would result if the South seceded.


What happened when it was decided that Kansas would be used as testing grounds for popular sovereignty?

Antislavery and proslavery forces were sent to fight over the territory, even though most settlers just wanted small, cheap farmland. Border Ruffians came across the border and voted illegally for a proslavery government, which antislavery citizens didn't accept. There were two governments in Kansas.


What was the goal of the Republican party?

The Republican party's goal was to keep slavery out of the western territories.


Who won the Presidential Election of 1860?

Abraham Lincoln won the election.


What was the Wilmot Proviso? Why was it suggested, and was it passed by Congress?

The Wilmot Proviso was a bill that suggested slavery would be banned in all territories won by the U.S. from the Mexican-American War. It was suggested because the North feared southerners would extend slavery to the West and gain more power. It was agreed to by the House of Representatives but shut down by the Senate.


What were the five terms of the Compromise of 1850?

1. California would become a free state in the U.S.

2. New Mexico and Utah would use popular sovereignty to decide on the issue of slavery.

3. Slave trade would be banned in Washington, D.C.

4. A strict Fugitive Slave Act is passed.

5. The border dispute between Texas and New Mexico is solved.


How did Kansas earn the nickname "Bleeding Kansas"?

In 1856, proslavery men raided Lawrence, Kansas, destroying homes and a newspaper press. The same year, an abolitionist named John Brown took a small band of men to kill five proslavery men in the night. This led to a series of battles between proslavery and antislavery Kansas settlers that resulted in over 200 people dead by the end of the year.


Who were the candidates and what was the result of the Presidential Election of 1856?

In this election, there were three candidates: John C. Frémont (Republican), James Buchanan (Southern Democrat), and Millard Filmore (Whig).

Buchanan ended up winning the election.


What was the South's reaction to the election results?

The South believed that they no longer had a voice in national government and that Lincoln was an abolitionist set against their interests, especially slavery. South Carolina's governor encouraged other southern states to secede.


What were the three opposing views on slavery?

Most northerners and all abolitionists strongly opposed slavery and believed it was morally wrong. They wanted to ban slavery, especially in new territories.

Southerners strongly supported slavery and did not view slaves as human beings. They wanted slavery in new territories.

Moderates tried to find other solutions. They suggested keeping slavery out of the West or extending the Missouri Compromise line to the Pacific. By the 1850s, moderates also supported popular sovereignty.


What were the terms of the Fugitive Slave Act?

Fugitive (runaway) slaves HAD to be returned to their owners. Anyone caught protecting fugitive slaves could be fined $1,000 and even jailed.


What violence occurred in the Senate relating to Kansas's government?

Massachusetts Senator Charles Sumner denounced slavery and the proslavery Kansas government one day in the Senate. He specifically singled out Andrew Butler, the South Carolina Senator who was not present. So Representative Preston Brooks, Butler's nephew, attacked Sumner to defend his uncle.


Who were the candidates and what was the result of the Senator Election of Illinois in 1858? 

In this election, the candidates were Stephen Douglas (Northern Democrat) and Abraham Lincoln (Republican). Douglas supported popular sovereignty, while Lincoln supported keeping slavery out of the west only.

Douglas won the election, although Lincoln was now known throughout the country.


What country did the seceded states form?

South Carolina became the first state to secede on December 20th of 1860, followed by six other southern states. They formed the Confederate States of America, a new nation, and elected Jefferson Davis as their President.


Who made up the Free-Soil party, why did they make this party, and how did they do in the Presidential Election of 1848?

A group of anti-slavery Whigs and Democrats made up the Free-Soil party because the leaders of each party refused to take a stand on slavery. They lost in the election but got 13 Free-Soilers elected in Congress.


What did abolitionists and slaveholders think of the Compromise of 1850?

Abolitionists supported the ban of slave trade in Washington, D.C. and popular sovereignty in New Mexico and Utah. They were against the Fugitive Slave Act.

Slaveholders supported the Fugitive Slave Act and popular sovereignty in New Mexico and Utah. They were against the ban of slave trade in Washington, D.C.


What was the Dred Scott case and its result?

The Dred Scott case was made by a slave whose owner had died on the way back home from living temporarily in antislavery states. Lawyers helped Dred Scott point out that since he had lived in two free states, he should be free now. The Supreme Court's ruling was that since Scott was property, he couldn't make a case in front of them (he wasn't a citizen). They also announced that slavery could not be outlawed in any territory, at which southerners rejoiced and northerners were shocked.


What was John Brown's attack on Harpers Ferry?

Three years after Brown's attack on five proslavery men, he led a small group of followers to Harpers Ferry, Virginia. The plan was to raid the federal arsenal and arm revolting slaves, but it didn't work. Though they quickly gained control of the arsenal, no slaves supported the rebellion, and Brown was soon captured. After he was hanged for murder and treason, the South believed Brown was a villain, while the North saw him as a martyr and a hero.


How did the Civil War begin?

After Lincoln's inaugural speech announcing there would be no war unless the South started it, Confederate troops gained control of Fort Sumter. Union troops tried to fight for the fort, creating gunfire that started the bloody war.