Who sailed the world in 3 years?
Juan Sabastian Elcano
Pizzarro kidnapped Athahulp and even though he gave Pizzaro gold Pizzaro still did what?
He still killed him
Spain sent out explorers to find what?
The 7 cities of Gold
What people wanted to buy the land from the native people for there benefits?
The Dutch people
Who is my favorite teacher?
Ms. Shimota
Christopher Columbus sailed to where that is now called the Bahamas?
San Salva
Fransisco Pizzaro is a what?
A Spanish conquistidor.
Nations used what to find new routes to Asia?
What did Spanish bring to America?
They brought wheat, oranges, peaches, bananas, cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, and horses.
What was the day that Christopher set sail
August 3, 1492
King Ferdinand and Queen Iseballa
What year did Pizzaro go to the coast of South America?
Explorers traveled up the Atlantic coast finding what is now?
The East Coast
Peter Minuit Became what?
The Dutch Coloneys governor
Who is Isabella and Ferdinand?
The king and queen
Vasco Nunez de Balboa was the first Spanish explorer to?
See the great waters
What did Athaluhup give Pizzaro?
He gave him gold
Hudson tried to find a shorter route to Asia but what stopped him?
The water froze so they had to wait until spring and the water melted
William Keift was unhappy because?
People where moving to the North part of America and because people are skibidi
Did Spanish bring horses to Spanish
What were the 3 ships that Christopher used?
The Nina, The Pinta, and The Santa Maria
Juan Ponce de Leon was a what?
Spanish explorer
Oliver M has a girlfriend named Ally
Hudson and his got abandoned in a what?
A rowboat
Spanish also brought what to America?
They brought corn, peanuts, tomatoes, potatoes, pineapple, turkey, tobacco, and most kind of beans
Were Hudson and his son abondoned