Portuguese Exploration
Hundred Years War and War of the Roses
Spanish Exploration
Geography and Native Peoples
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These two Italian cities controlled trade in the Mediterranean Sea

What are Genoa and Venice?


This French general reversed years of losses and pushed England out of Orleans and Reims before being captured and executed

Who is Joan of Arc?


This Italian Explorer was the first sailor to reach the New World on behalf of Spain

Christopher Columbus


This modern country is the place where Columbus first landed in the New World

What are the Bahamas?


This is Mr. Wilson's baby's name.

What is Edmund?

This was the way that Vasco da Gama obtained food and trade goods in the Indian Ocean before heading to India
What is piracy?

This English King murdered his two nephews in the Tower of London so that he could claim the throne

Who is Richard III?


These were the monarchs of Spain who funded Columbus' journey to the New World

Who are Ferdinand and Isabella?


Most of the small trading countries Vasco da Gama met on the east coast of Africa followed this religion.

What is Islam?

This is the name of the place originally called the Cape of Storms

What is the Cape of Good Hope?


This type of ship allowed the Portuguese and Spanish to sail out of the Mediterranean into the open ocean

What is a Caravel?


This English king "won" the War of the Roses by defeating Richard III and uniting the Houses of Lancaster and York in marriage

Who is Henry VII (Henry Tudor)?


Columbus made this many journeys to the New World

What is 4?


This native people was reputed to be cannibals by other natives in the region, and lends its name to the body of water surrounding the islands Columbus discovered

What are the Caribs?


This is the name of Vasco Nunez de Balboa's dog



This Portuguese royal spearheaded their attempts to explore the African coast and reach India

Who is Henry the Navigator?


King Henry V won this battle for England despite being outnumbered by the French

What is the Battle of Agincourt?


The Greek Philosopher who measured the circumference of the earth 1700 years before Columbus

Who is Eratosthenes?


This is the first native people met by Columbus, who were mostly wiped out within ten years by disease and overwork.

Who are the Tainos?


This is the first Spaniard to see the Pacific Ocean

Who is Vasco Nunez de Balboa?


This was the first city that Vasco da Gama reached in India

What is Calicut?


The English won this battle because of their longbows, even though they had fewer heavy cavalry than the French

What is the Battle of Crecy?

This modern nation is on the island which Columbus named "Juana" after Ferdinand and Isabella's daughter

What is Cuba?


Haiti and the Dominican Republic are two modern nations sitting on this island named by Columbus

What is Hispaniola?


This Portuguese explorer was the first to reach the south coast of Africa, which he called the Cape of Storms

Who is Bartolomeu Dias?