Stars and Stripes
Tossing Pigskin
God Games
Former Flags
Sound Waves

These two states were the final territories to formally be incorporated into the union back in 1959

What are Hawaii and Alaska


This team has the honor of being the first NFL franchise to win a Super Bowl. They were also the first team to win two Super Bowls in a row, winning the second one as well

Who are the Green Bay Packers


The first ever modern Olympic Games were held in 1896 in the capital of this country

What is Greece

These people inhabited a nation that evolved across its history from a Republic to an Empire, building the grounds for Western civilization along the way

Who are the Romans


This classical musician is famous not only for his masterful musical works but also for the fact that in the later portion of his career he'd lost his hearing

Who is Ludwig Von Beethoven


"The Day that Will Live in Infamy" was the name given to this significant event during WWII by Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was president of the United States at the time

What is the attack on Pearl Harbor


This team remains the only one in the NFL to go undefeated during a football season, although they almost lost that honor in 2007

Who are the '72 Miami Dolphins


This Olympian, one of the most famous of all time, holds the record for the most Gold medals won in a single Olympic games at 8

Who is Michael Phelps


This former empire played for the wrong team in WWI, ultimately leading to its dissolution and conquering by the British and French

What is the Ottoman Empire


This artist holds the record for the most individual Grammys awarded at a staggering 31

Who is Beyoncé 


This influential book, written by Thomas Paine, played a crucial role in convincing the colonies to rebel against the British. It remains one of the bestselling books in American history to this day

What is Common Sense

This franchise has the unenviable honor of making it to four Super Bowls in a row, and losing all of them

Who are the Buffalo Bills


Despite its relatively small size, this Oceanic country's strong cultural traditions make it an Olympic powerhouse in rowing

What is New Zealand


This Mesoamerican civilization is responsible for naming the Axolotl, the name given to their God of fire and lightning

What is the Aztec Empire


Widely considered the greatest Super Bowl halftime performance of all time, this artist headlined the show in 2007

Who is Prince


This state was the first to ratify the United States Constitution. It also technically has more registered businesses than actual people

What is Delaware


This team had the highest ranked offense and defense for the 2010-11 NFL season, yet failed to make the playoffs due to their special teams

Who are the San Diego/LA Chargers


This Winter Olympic event involves athletes racing in cross-country skiing while taking brief intermissions to fire at targets using rifles slung across their backs

What is Olympic Biathlon


This nation, despite being dissolved decades ago, remains the best-performing nation in international competitive chess

What is the Soviet Union


This rapper, also known as King Ghidorah, passed away at the young age of 49 in 2020

Who is MF Doom


A former colony in name only, this current-day African country served as a refuge for freed slaves, something that over 19,000 individuals took advantage of

What is Liberia


This franchise holds the honor of being the NFL team with the highest winning percentage without ever winning a Super Bowl

Who are the Minnesota Vikings


This Olympian made history in Paris 2024, becoming the first athlete ever to win an individual event 5 consecutive times.

Who is Mijaín López 


This former African country/tribe was the location in the controversial 2022 film "The Woman King", starring Viola Davis

What is Dahomey


This Gregorian chant, translating to "The Day of Wrath", is used to symbolize death in all types of media, making it likely the single most referenced piece of music of all time

What is Dies Irae