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a precedent case stated that rock music cannot be banned in the city of nowheresville so if they try to ban it in the future they cant. what does precedent mean in this sentence

a earlier event that is used as an example to a similar event.


a man violates his bail agreement so he gets arrested his right to request bail has been nuilfy. what does nuilfy mean in this.

legally null and void.


france suddenly overpowered the economy of the usa cause of their imports but the usa but a embargo on france what is a embargo.

a ban on imports of a country 


the president cabinet help the president controls laws in the executive branch. what does cabinet mean in the sentence 

a group of people in the executive branch that help the president make important choices.


in reserved power the power does not go to the federal goverment but the state is this states rights? yes or no



america passed an act in nato where everyone group must support nationlism and agree to america interest. what is nationlism.

idenfication of one nations interest. and exlcusion of the interest of other nations.


during the british war the soilders got kidnapped and impressed. what does impressment mean cause of this setence

recruitment by force 


the united states judical branch theirs a group of people that interpet laws what are those called 



the usa had a internal threat in dallas. what does internal means if its not international.


a family from mexico goes to the united states but their consider aliens. what does alien mean
from a foriegn country.

a exploer discover a new country which he is the first what is he called 



a person in alaska only cares of their state laws and not the federal state laws. what does this mean. is thias sectionalism? yes or no.



a bad goverment made the people angry and a sedition is being set in place to overthrow. what is a sedition

a speech to revel against state or goverment

a new state became indepndent  but they pay neighbhoring states tribute. what is tribute 

payment to show to others that your dependence. 


the war has ended because the other side cede their terroity to the other. what does cede mean.

gives up territory