General History & Prehistory
Ancient History
The Middle Ages
The Modern Age
The Contemporary Age
Describe what "history" is.
It is everything that happened in the past
How long ago did the Ancient History period begin?
4000 years ago.
What marked the end of the Ancient period and the beginning of the Middle Ages?
The fall of the Roman Empire in 476.
What marked the beginning of the Modern Age?
Christopher Columbus´discovery of the New World, America.
What marked the beginning of the Contemporary Age?
The French Revolution in 1789
What is prehistory and what marked its end?
The period from when the first types of human appeared (around 2 million years ago) and it ended with the invention of writing.
People in this period had civilisation. This meant they had time to do many things. Name three!
Build cities, write laws to keep order, develope skills, have jobs.
Christian Spain was divided into areas called ________ and each one had a ______.
Kingdoms King
In this period, people formed _______ by __________________ under one king.
formed COUNTRIES by COMBINING KINGDOMS and living under one king.
Why was the invention of the steam engine important?
It changed the way people lived and worked. They could now move great distances in shorter amounts of time. It made work quicker and easier.
Name and describe the 4 main measurments of time.
year: 12 months decade: 10 years century: 100 years millenium: 1000 years
What is an amphitheatre?
A large round outdoor theatrew built by the Romans. They watched fights in them between gladiators and animals.
Name three types of buildings the Christian and Islamic civilisations built in this age.
Churches, Cathedrals and Castles (Christian) Mosques (Islamic)
Why was the invention of the Printing Press important? Who invented it?
Gutenberd´s Printing Press made it cheaper and quicker to produce books and maps, and made them both more readily available. This also meant more people could learn how to read.
Name two scientific and two communication inventions of the age.
Scientific: x-rays, vaccinations, etc. Communication: radio, telephone, internet!
Talk about the Palaeolithic period and the Neolithic period.
Palaeolithic: People were nomads. They used wood, stone and bones to make tools. Neolithic: People formed communities. They grew crops and kept domestic animals and used metal for more complex tools.
Describe civilisations and name some countries where they developed in the Ancient period.
A society that shares the same culture and institutions. Some countries where they were first developed are Greece, Egypt, China and Mexico.
What are the differences between nobles and peasants? How were they related?
Nobles were of the highest class, were rich and lived in castles. Peasants worked on noble´s land and were of the lowest class. They did not get paid for their work, but nobles protected them.
What happened with Colombus´exploration?
While looking for India, a country in Asia, he accidentally crossed the ocean and discovered America. (This is why many people still call Native Americans "Indians")
What makes Contemporary cities different from those in Ancient history?
They were bigger, had more people, services such a schools, hospitals and public transport. Transport in Ancient history was almost exclusive to transporting goods, not people.
Name 5 types of historical sources.
Any of these 5: written documents, photos, paintings, objects, buildings, statues, clothing.
Was the Roman Empire an important part of history? Why or why not?
It was very important. They built roads and bridges that are still used today, built aquaducts that are still standing and brought their langauge, Latin, to what today is known as Europe.
Name the four groups of Christians in the Christian civilisations in order of class (richest to poorest)
1. The nobles 2. The clergy 3. The craftsman and merchants 4. The peasants.
Explain how the Modern age was a time of "discovery and scientific invention" by talking about some.
Discoveries: America. The people in America and the crops and livestock they grew. Other countries further out in the ocean that European countries traded with. Inventions Compass: small object that was used for navigating. Accurate maps: Maps that were more detailed and clear, also used for navigating. Printing press: could print many books very quickly and made it so less people had to write them by hand.
Name three impacts the change in industry from the Modern Age has had on OUR lives.
Communication has come a long way: We can talk to people anywhere at any time. Modern transportation has made it so we can be anywhere in the world in a matter of hours. We have become dependant on electricity and use it for everything. We wouldn´t live the lives we do without it! We consume rapidly, so factories have become essential (mass-production) and more!