what did Joseph stalin and Hitler signed that lasts for ten years?
nonaggression pact
what three countries did Germany capture that surrounded france?
luxembourg, netherlands and Belgium
why was Britain now frigate after Frances fall
The stood all alone against the Nazis
who declared war on France and britain
mussolini (Italy)
how did most americans feel about ww2
They felt that America should not join war.
which two countries declared war against Germany after drafting Poland?
france and britain
how long did it take Germany to reach France northern coast?
10 days
what did Winston Churchill say about the war
He would never give up regardless of the situation
how many italian prisoners did north Africa take
what did congress say
they signed neutrality act which made it illegal to send arms to nations at war.
what is Germany new war tactic that they used on Poland?
where city did the britain save the France from?
what was the British radar and enigma
Radar-could tell number, speed and direction of incoming war planes
enigma- German secret decoding device
Egypt’s Suez Canal was key to reaching the _________?
oil fields of the Middle East.
what did President Roosevelt have to say about this
he asked congress to pass Under the lends and leases acts which made it legal to lend or lease american arms to ally's of USA
how did Finland stand their ground against a countries like the USSR?
the USSR was not prepared and with the harsh winter climates that the finland solders were use to and they thought it was an easy victory
how many people were rescued at dunkirk?
338,000 people
what was RAF
British Royal Air Forces
how did hitler invade the soviet union so easily
the troops were not well equipped and they were not well trained
what did Hitler do about this
He ordered that all British cargo ships carrying US arms be sunk
why did people call the war the phony war?
after Germany conquered poland, France and Britain were ready for them to attack but nothing happen so they were sitting and waiting for the Germans to make a move and some people called it the sitting war.
who is Charles de Gaulle and what did he do to help the French.
he is a French general that set up a government in London. He committed all his energy to reconquering France. In a radio broadcast from England, de Gaulle called on the people of France to join him in resisting the Germans
why was this battle so good for the allies in ww2
It showed them Hitler wasn't invincible
who is erwin Rommel
the commander of afrika Korps who captured thousands of Italian prisoners.
Who drew America into ww2