What was the name of the joint declaration signed between the US and Britain in 1941?
The Atlantic Charter
What was Hitler's ultimate goal when turning towards the east?
To take over the Soviet Union
Who was the leader of the USSR during World War II?
Joseph Stalin
How did the British aid French troops at the Battle of Dunkirk?
The British sent a fleet of about 850 ships to the coasts of France to rescue French soldiers. They, in total, were able to rescue about 338,000 soldiers.
How did Germany overtake France?
The Germans sent large forces of tanks and infantry to move through northern France, and after squeezing their way between the Maginot Line, they reached the French coast. In a last stand, the French fought in the beaches of Dunkirk but were greatly outnumbered and had to be rescued. After Dunkirk, French resistance fell apart and the Germans took Paris causing French leaders to surrender.
Why did Germany turn towards North Africa after defeating France?
To aid his partner, Mussolini, and to take the Suez Canal
Who was the new British Prime Minister during World War II?
Winston Churchill
What did the Atlantic Charter do?
What was Hitler's intent when taking the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg?
Why did Franklin Roosevelt ask Congress to allow the US to sell arms and lend money to the Allies?
He knew that if the Allies fell, the United States would be drawn into the war.
Who was the French General that setup a government-in-exile in London, after France fell?
Charles de Gaulle
Between which two leaders was the Atlantic Charter signed?
Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
What was the significance of the Battle of Britain?
It was the first major defeat of the nazis and stopped their expansion to the west
What was Mussolini's purpose in invading North Africa?
His purpose was to expand the italian empire while also proving himself as a strong political leader
What was the code-breaking machine used by the British to decode German messages called?
What was the act passed by Congress in March 1941, that stated the president could lend and/or lease arms to any country vital to the US?
The Lend-Lease Act
What was the plan that was used to invade the Soviet Union called?
Operation Barbarossa
What did Winston Churchill seek to gain from WWII?
Who was the commander of the Afrika Korps?
Erwin Rommel