What is the Nonaggression Pact?
The names of the port city the allied armies escaped to after being beaten and outmaneuvered by the Germans where they were eventually rescued by ships across the English Channel.
What is Dunkirk?
The name of the new British Prime Minister after the fall of France
Who is Winston Churchill?
The main reason that Hitler and Mussolini started attacking and controlling Mediterranean countries/territories.
Meaning of Blitzkrieg.
What is the German invasion strategy involving quick assault with tanks and troops while bombing with planes and artillery?
The forested area of Northern France that the Germans pushed their tanks through and caught allies off guard reaching Frances coast in 10 days time.
What is the Ardennes?
The name of the German Air force who bombed British cities and airbases especially London.
What is the Luftwaffe?
The German tank commander in North Africa who was sent to reinforce Italians and his key victories like that of Tobruk, Libya earning him the name "Desert Fox"
Who is Erwin Rommel?
The Charter which leaders Roosevelt and Churchill secretly met to make which upheld free trade among nations and a peoples right to decide their own government. This later served as the allies peace plan after WW2.
What is the Atlantic Charter?
What is Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Finland?
The countries moved his troops through to confuse the allies and make them think he was attacking there.
What is Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg?
The technological invention which allowed the RAF (Royal Air Force) of Britain to fight and win air superiority over the Luftwaffe during the Battle of Britain.
What is the Radar?
The Balkans countries which Hitler persuaded to join the Axis Powers and not have to take over like Greece, and Yugoslavia.
What is Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary?
The act congress passed overriding the Neutrality Acts in March 1941 that stated that the U.S. lend or lease arms to countries vital to the U.S. letting them give resources to Britain.
The date France and Britain declared war on Germany after the invasion of Poland.
What is September 3rd,1939?
The leader of the Vichy puppet state of France that was set up by the Germans after taking Paris and French leaders surrendering
Who is Marshal Philippe Petain?
The name of the coding machine that was snuck into Great Britain which helped decoded German messages and beat the Germans in the Battle of Britain.
What is the Enigma Machine?
The city Germans put under siege after pushing 500 miles into Russia by catching the Russians off guard and destroying their defensive.
What is Leningrad?
The event on September 4 that caused the U.S. to go into undeclared naval war with Germany after Roosevelt ordered navy commanders to shoot German subs on sight.
What was the firing of a German U-Boat onto a U.S. destroyer?
The line that British and French Soldiers stationed their troops on during the phony war.
What is the Maginot Line?
A former French general the leader of the French Freedom Fighters in England after France fell made up of French Soldiers who escaped, they helped allies until France was liberated.
Who is Charles de Gaul?
The date the Battle of Britain went on until Hitler called of the attack because of the fierce British resistance.
When is May 10, 1941?
The Russian General who counterattacked when the Germans reached Moscow using the extreme cold as a advantage to push Germans back and make them hold causing severe German causalities.
Who is General Georgi Zhukov?
Who is president Franklin D. Roosevelt?