Important words related to the topic.

What is "key words"


What text structure is used?

Golden Eagles are apt to hunt for prey. This differs from Bald Eagles, who are more likely to take an easy meal.

What is "Compare and Contrast"


What is Personification?

What is "giving human traits to nonhuman things" 


The sun pushed aside the dark clouds. 

What is "personification"


What text structure is used?

First, Golden Eagles soar high along ridges near the nests. Then, they search for prey. When a meal is spotted, they attack in a long swoop. 

What is "Chronological/Sequencial"

A list of facts arranged in rows and columns. It helps readers compare information.

What is "a chart"


This is an obstacle that a character must overcome in a story, this shapes a character's perspective.

What is "Conflict, Challenge or Problem"


What is a Metaphor?

What is "Comparing two things directly (Not using ‘like’ or ‘as’"


When he was grounded from video games, his home was a prison.

Simile or Metaphor? What does it mean?

What is "metaphor; means that his ability of living freely is being inhibited at home.


An author uses this technique to show that characters are speaking.

What is "dialogue"


A line with dates that show the order of events.

What is "a timeline"


I wonder who invented paper plates? He was a clever guy! Imagine having to lug heavy glass plates to a picnic, and then have to carry them home again. What a great invention!

What is the narrator's perspective?

What is "The author thinks that paper plates are wonderful"


What are two synonyms for walk?

What is "stroll, stride, march, parade, hike, saunter, wander, etc."


Identify the figurative language used and explain the meaning.

Maria went shopping with her mom. After walking the mall for several hours, her mom said that her shoes were killing her. Then they decided to stop at the food court to eat in order to rest up.

What is "her shoes were killing her, and it means that her feet were hurting or in lots of pain" (Hyperbole)


This type of text structure gives the reader details that is used to form a mental picture of what is going on in the text.

What is "Descriptive"


Why are bold text or italics used?

What is "To bring attention to important words"


A limerick rhyme scheme is 

What is "AABBA"


The marsh or swamp was a wet or muggy place. 

What is a marsh?

What is "a swamp" (a definition clue)


Identify the figurative language used and explain the meaning. 

Maria's family were all working together to help set up a surprise birthday party for her. Since Maria was very observant, her family members were extremely careful not to be obvious so she would not find out. Everyone was busy as bees trying to create the perfect princess themed party for Maria.      

What is "busy as bees and it means that everyone was actively busy setting up the party" (Simile)


Sophia has beautiful golden hair.  She loves to play with chew toys and chase her tail.  Her yard is large enough to run, dig, and play in.  Tell what kind of pet Sophia is.

What is "a dog"


Authors use these to organize a nonfiction text.

What is "Text Features"


What is a Limerick poem?

What is "A rhyming poem with 5 lines that are usually funny or silly and follows the rhyme scheme AABBA. 


The vast mall was nothing compared to the tiny boutique. 

What does the word vast mean as it is used in the sentence above?

What is "big, huge" (opposite clue)


Identify the figurative language used and explain the meaning.

On the night of April 14, 1912, the supposedly unsinkable RMS Titanic collided with an iceberg and sank on her maiden voyage. Of the 2,208 people aboard ship – the largest vessel in the world at the time – only 712 survived. The whole world was shocked when they learned of this unfortunate event.

What is "The whole world was shocked, and it means that many people could not believe what had happened" (Hyperbole)


Dogs bark and cats meow when hungry.  A wolf will howl to "speak" with his pack.  Deer raise their tails to let the other deer know that an enemy is nearby.

What is "animals communicate in different ways"