What is the name of the "Old Man" in the Old Man and the Sea?
How does Madam Defarge record people on her registry?
"She knits their names"
Who said, "It is a far better thing I do than I have ever done"?
Sydney Carton
In Huck Finn, who are the con artists that Huck and Jim encounter on the river?
The Wilks Family
They are cousins.
Who finds Dr. Manette's letter during the storming of the Bastille?
Mgsr. Defarge
What is Gatsby's signature catchphrase?
"Old Sport"
Who is the arctic explorer who narrates Frankenstein.
In the Old Man and the Sea, what becomes the Old Man's greatest challenge?
A marlin.
A runaway slave.
What is the name of Lady Catherine de Bourgh's estate?
How does the Dauphin insult Henry V?
By sending him tennis balls.
When does Henry V say, "Once more unto the breach, dear friends!".
Battle of Agincourt
Why does Antonia leave her family and move to Black Hawk?
To find work and escape the hardship of farm life.
What is the name of the place that The Tempest takes place?
There is no name; a magical Island.
In the Odyssey what is the name of the plant that the sailors eat that makes them forget their desire to return home?
The lotus plant
Who is the narrator of Plato's Republic?
What is the name of the old man who tells Thomas Moore about Utopia?
What does Achilles do with Hector's body after he kills him?
Drags it around Troy behind his chariot.
What is the central question of the Republic?
Whether it is always better to be just than unjust.
How long did Calypso hold Odysseus?
7 years
What is the main setting of My Antonia?
The American Prairie.
Who is the protagonist of The Tempest?
What is the objective of a Humane Letters class?
To deeply examine the human condition through the examination of classical texts from various disciplines such as literature, history, philosophy and theology.