The Outsiders
Figurative Language
The Outsiders 2.0

He is the main Protagonist of "The Outsiders."

Who is Ponyboy Curtis?


In CIQA, “C” stands for...

What is claim?


"They fought like cats and dogs," is an example of this kind of figurative language.

What is a simile?


Johnny refuses to see his mother when he’s in the hospital because...

What is He believes she never cared about him?


These are the two major categories of conflict in fiction literature.

What is internal and external?


This group are the main Antagonists of "The Outsiders.”

Who are Socs?


In CIQA, “I” stands for...

What is introduction of the quote?


This statement below is a metaphor

1. Her hair was as long as a flowing, golden river.

2. Her hair flowed like a river. 

3. Her long hair was like a flowing, golden river.

4. Her long hair was a flowing, golden river.

What is Her long hair was a flowing, golden river?


At the church, Johnny makes Ponyboy do this, which Pony hates.

What is cut and dye his hair?


This term refer to a character’s personal traits, relationships, and growth in a work of fiction.

What is characterization?


Johnny carries a switchblade because...

What is the Socs beat him up and scared him?


In CIQA, “Q” stands for...

What is quote from the text?


"The cactus saluted the travellers who drove past," is an example of this kind of figurative language.

What is personification?


Ponyboy remembers this as he views the sunset from the church.

What is the poem "Nothing Gold can Stay?"


Time and place are the two attributes of this literary device.

Whats is setting?


This is a major Setting in “The Outsiders.”

  1. New York City

  2. A police station

  3. Rural Oklahoma

  4. Kansas City

What is rural Oklahoma?


In CIQA, “A” stands for...

What is analysis?


"Kim came to help us cut out a colorful kite for Chris," is an example of this kind of figurative language.

What is alliteration?


After Johnny dies, Dally does this.

  1. Decides to reform himself

  2. Moves back to New York City and is arrested there

  3. Robs a convenience store and is shot by the police

  4. Buys a gun and attacks the Socs

What is robs a convenience store and is shot by the police


This is an example of external conflict in literature.

What is :

1. Character vs. Nature

2. Character vs, Society

3. Character vs. Character


Cherry claims this is true about both Greasers and Socs.

  1. Deep down, they’re all hoods

  2. The both see same sunsets

  3. They all find love eventually

  4. They can’t stay gold

What is They both see the same sunsets?


In CIQA, what is the analysis for...

1. To discuss the theme

2. To be finished

3. To prove the quote supports the claim

4. To prove the introduction to the claim makes sense.

What is to prove the quote supports the claim?


This is an example of onomatopoeia.


2. Who

3. Whittle

4. Whopper

What is whoosh?


Ponyboy does this at the end of the book.

What is writes an essay about his experience?


This is what you will be doing over fall break.

1. Completing all the assignments you missed from quarter one

2. Fighting nonstop with your siblings

3. Eating Hot Cheetos until your stomach hurts and your fingers are permanently orange.

4. Practicing self care

What is practicing self care?