  1. A physician working in an emergency room is obligated to treat all the patients who come through the door. This is an example of which of the following concepts?

    1. Standard of care

    2. Duty of care

    3. Reasonable person standard

    4. Reasonable person care

2. duty of care

  1. Which of the following is an example of a physician using risk management to reduce the likelihood of a malpractice lawsuit against his office?

    1. Removing standard office procedures manuals from the employees' desks.

    2. Providing time off for employees.

    3. Providing written job descriptions for employees.

    4. Reducing the incidence of telephone conversations.

3. Providing written job descriptions for employees.

  1. A hospital maintains medical records on all patients treated in the hospital. Who owns the information in the hospital records?

    1. The treating physician.

    2. The patient.

    3. The hospital.

    4. The insurance company paying the bills.

2. the patient

  1. Facebook, Twitter, and blogs are examples of

    1. wikis.

    2. discussion sites.

    3. social media.

    4. telemedicine.

3. social media

  1. An orthopedic surgeon refers his patients to a radiology facility owned by his brother. What law is potentially being violated?

    1. Federal Anti-Kickback law

    2. Stark Law

    3. Federal False Claims Act

    4. HIPAA

2. stark law

  1. A physician working in a nursing home warns the residents of an outbreak of a communicable disease and takes measures to protect them from exposure. This is an example of what principle?

    1. Standard of care

    2. Reasonable person care

    3. Reasonable person standard

    4. Duty of care

4. duty of care

  1. Patients sue for a variety of reasons. Which of the following is not one of the top recurring reasons patients sue?

    1. Failure to diagnose

    2. Failure to treat

    3. Correction of a mistake

    4. Poor documentation

3. correction of a mistake

  1. A physician has a private practice employing a physician assistant, a nurse, and a medical assistant. The physician also has hospital privileges at a nearby facility. Who owns the medical records generated by him and the staff at the practice?

    1. The physician.

    2. The physician assistant if he or she treated the patient.

    3. The hospital.

    4. The insurance company paying the bills.

1. the physician

  1. For the court's purpose, if documentation does NOT appear in the medical record:

    1. It can be documented at a later date without harm

    2. it did not occur

    3. the court will not use the medical record against the health care provider

    4. A and B are correct

    5. all of the above

2. it did not occur

  1. A medical assistant who is recording data in a patient's medical record maintains confidentiality at all times. Which of the following describes this practice?

    1. Not allowing the patient to see the medical record.

    2. Not conferring with other health care professionals about the patient.

    3. Not releasing patient information to unauthorized individuals.

    4. Releasing patient information to unauthorized individuals.

3. Not releasing patient information to unauthorized individuals.

  1. The health care practitioner who comes to the aid of an accident victim at the scene may not be held liable under which type of defense?

    1. Tortfeasor release

    2. Denial

    3. Emergency

    4. Contributory negligence

3. emergency

  1. What would be the best advice for a nurse caring for patients who have complained about their treating physician?

    1. Verbally agree with them.

    2. Steer the conversation to something else.

    3. Listen carefully and see that the comments reach the physician.

    4. Tell the patient they are wrong.

3. Listen carefully and see that the comments reach the physician.

  1. In which of the following examples would patient authorization for release of his or her medical record be waived?

    1. For an insurance claim.

    2. For medical injuries sustained in an auto accident.

    3. When a subpoena duces tecum is issued.

    4. When a patient dies.

3. When a subpoena duces tecum is issued

  1. If a medical record has been subpoenaed by the court and the subpoena served to the individual, practice, hospital, or other holder of the record, ________ should be notified that the subpoena has been received.

    1. the patient

    2. the patient's physician

    3. the physician's attorney

    4. all of the above

4. all of the above

  1. Which of the following is an example of a privileged communication?

    1. A patient tells her physician that she uses illegal drugs.

    2. A custodian speaks with a nurse about a problem with a disinfectant.

    3. Parents discuss treatment options for their child who has autism.

    4. A nurse practitioner explains a procedure to a patient.

1. A patient tells her physician that she uses illegal drugs.

  1. If the patient knew the ______ before treatment, the defendant may use contributory negligence as a defense in a lawsuit.

    1. cause and effect of care

    2. diagnosis

    3. prognosis

    4. inherent risk

4. inherent risk

  1. A plastic surgeon routinely photographs patients to document care. Which of the following accurately describes information that should be included on the consent form for this type of photography?

    1. The patient understands that ownership rights to the photos belong to the patient.

    2. The patient understands that the photos will be kept for an undetermined time period.

    3. The patient understands that he or she cannot view the photographs.

    4. The patient understands that authorization must be given to release photos outside the facility.

4. The patient understands that authorization must be given to release photos outside the facility.

  1. The person in charge of medical records for a physician's office is preparing to release medical records requested by an insurance company. Which of the following is a recommended guideline for this procedure?

    1. Release the entire record, not just the information requested.

    2. Include the patient's name, address, and date of birth on the authorization.

    3. Warn the patient that once authorization is given, it cannot be rescinded.

    4. Receive a verbal authorization from the patient prior to release of the record.

2. Include the patient's name, address, and date of birth on the authorization.



  1. A provider may release information about a victim of abuse, neglect, or domestic violence under which permission of HIPAA?

    1. Treatment, payment, or health care operations.

    2. Incidental use.

    3. Public interest and benefit activities.

    4. Limited data set.

3. Public interest and benefit activities.

  1. Which of the following is not a violation of patient confidentiality?

    1. While the patient is in the waiting room, a nurse tells a patient his diagnosis.

    2. Medical assistants are discussing a patient by name outside the exam room.

    3. An office clerk calls a patient by name at the checkout desk.

    4. A radiology technician discusses with the patient results of the x-rays.

3. An office clerk calls a patient by name at the checkout desk.

  1. A health care practitioner who practices the "four Cs of medical malpractice prevention" finds two important benefits related to one of the "Cs"—that is, improvement in patients' medical conditions and the decreased likelihood that they will sue. Which "C" is most likely to provide these benefits?

    1. Caring

    2. Communication

    3. Control

    4. Competence

1. caring

  1. The five Cs are used to describe the attributes of entries into patients' medical records. Which of the following is not one of the five Cs?

    1. Clean

    2. Complete

    3. Clear

    4. Correct

1. clean

  1. To maintain patient confidentiality when using e-mail:

    1. always cc the physician

    2. computer screens should be out of view from the general public

    3. delete the email after sending it to the patient

    4. print a copy of the e-mail and retain it in the patient's paper file

2. computer screens should be out of view from the general public

  1. A patient believes her privacy rights have been violated by a local hospital. Under HIPAA, the patient

    1. may immediately file a lawsuit in federal court.

    2. may immediately file a lawsuit in a small claims court.

    3. must first file a written complaint with the Secretary of Health and Human Services through the Office of Civil Rights.

    4. must first file a written complaint with the local district attorney.

3. must first file a written complaint with the Secretary of Health and Human Services through the Office of Civil Rights.

  1. The objectives of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) include:

    1. combatting fraud, abuse, and waste in health care

    2. promoting medical saving accounts

    3. simplifying the administration of health insurance

    4. all of the above

4. all of the above