Name the division that....
What is
What is a highly contagious disease that is increasing around the world due to poor vaccine coverage?
What is Measles?
The science of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities.
What is public health
Inactivity & poor eating habits put individuals at risk for this leading cause of death in Canada.
What is high blood pressure, hypertension
A nonprofit, independent professional association that represents a diverse membership of health promotion and health education professionals and students in the United States and several international countries.
What is Society for Public Health Education?
The most devastating pandemic of the 20th century.
What is HIV/AIDS
The study of distribution and determinants of disease frequency in human populations.
What is epidemiology
This “condition” could be called a leading risk factor for a large number of health problems - including mental health, chronic disease, higher mortality, and lower life expectancy.
What is poverty / Low socioeconomic status?
In the 1940’s and 50’s, this organization worked to ensure public health workers were included in the new Social Security pension system and wrote to President Roosevelt on the issue.
What is Mississippi Public Health Association?
On August 31, 2022, FDA approved bivalent booster versions of Moderna's and Pfizer-BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccines that protect against the BA.4 and BA.5 lineages of what COVID-19 variant?
What is Omicron?
A disease that can be spread from one person to another.
What is communicable disease
What recreational substance has been linked to psychosis in youth?
What is cannabis?
Named for its founder, what private research university in Baltimore, Maryland has the number-one ranked public health program in America, according to U.S. News?
What is John Hopkins?
A disease of the nervous system in cattle who devastated the UK’s beef industry in the late 1980s and early 1990s, leading to a ban on exporting the meat for years.
What is Mad Cow Disease/BSE
Who is widely considered the “Father of Modern Epidemiology”?
What is John Snow
This risky behavior is linked to slowed or impaired bone growth in young women and higher rates of depression.
What is smoking
What British mediacal organization, abbreviated HTA, was founded in 1844 in response to reports of unsanitary conditions in major English cities by Sir Edwin Chadwick?
What is Health of Towns Association
On May 8, 1980, the World Health Organization officially declared that "the world and all its people have won freedom from" what deadly infectious disease?
What is smallpox
What physician and public health expert became the 19th director of the centers for Disease Control and Prevention starting on January 20, 2021?
What is Rochelle Walensky
Studies suggest this very common activity will KILL YOU-or at least significantly raise your risk of health problems.
What is sitting