Author's Purpose
Multiple Meaning Words
Text Structure/Text & Graphic Features
Central Idea
Grammar (Verbs, Commas, Nouns)

Why does the author put the word "stop" in all capital letters in the following sentence?

Kristopher, you have to STOP before crossing the street or you will get hit by a car!

The author wants to express how important it is to stop before crossing the street, or he might get hit by a car. 


First, I find each spot where a bird has built a nest.

Which meaning of the word spot is used above?
A) a mark of dirt
B) a certain place
C) a hard thing to do (I’m in a spot.)
D) a part of a team (I earned my spot.)

B) a certain place


Name the text structure that uses key words such as:

First, Next, Then, Finally

Years, Dates, etc

Chronological Order, Sequence


Which sentence states the central idea?

Niagara Falls is one of the most beautiful sights in North America.  It is on the Niagara River halfway between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie.  Niagara Falls is located on the American and Canadian border.  The American Falls is 167 feet high.  On the Canadian side, the Horseshoe Falls is 161 feet high.  

Niagara Falls is one of the most beautiful sights in North America.


After waiting in line for an hour, I began to feel __________. (Which prefix is correct?)

A. unpatient

B. nonpatient

C. impatient

C. Impatient


What change should be made to the sentence below?

Last week, my family walk to the greenway.

A. Change walk to walked. 

B. Change walk to walking. 

C. Change walk to will walk. 

D. No change is needed.

A. Change walk to walked.


Read the text below.

From inside their tent, Mason and his dad heard a coyote howl. "How close do you think it is?" Mason asked.

What is the text's most likely purpose?

A. to inform

B. to persuade

C. to entertain

C. to entertain


While hiking in the forest, you hear the buzzing of bees nearby as they gather nectar from flowers.

Which meaning of the word buzzing is used above?
A) a type of sound
B) a fast movement
C) a feeling of excitement
D) an annoying situation

A) a type of sound


What text structure tells about how two things are alike and how they might be different?

A. Compare/Contrast

B. Cause/Effect

C. Sequence

D. Description 

A. Compare/Contrast


Look at these details from a paragraph about eagles.

  • Eagles can look straight ahead and to the side at the same time.

  • Eagles are able to spot fish in the water from way up high.

  • Eagles see things in more detail than people do.

Choose the main, or central, idea that ties all the details together.

A. Eagles can see fish while flying high in the sky.
B. Eagles see everything in color.
C. Eagles can see very well.
D. Eagles and falcons are some of the fastest birds in the sky.
C. Eagles can see very well.

Think about the suffix "-er.

What is the meaning of the word "faster" as used below:

Briar runs faster than Ms. Gill:

A.  Briar can run more quickly than Ms. Gill.

B.  Ms. Gill is slower than any student her in class.

C.  The quickest runner in the entire school is Briar.

A.  Briar can run more quickly than Ms. Gill.


Tomorrow I will pick what my family eats for dinner.

What change should be made to the sentence above?

A. Change will pick to pick.

B. Change will pick to picked.

C. Change will pick to picking.

D. No change is needed.

D. No change is needed.


What is the author's purpose for writing this:

The Slim-O-Matic will cause you to lose pounds and inches from your body in one month. This amazing machine helps you to exercise correctly and provides an easy video to show you the proper way to exercise. Send $75.99 and begin exercising today.

A. To Inform    B.  To Entertain     C.  To persuade

 C.  To persuade

Explain why you think like you do.  


While hiking in the woods, you spot a tree with a rough bark that protects its trunk.

Which meaning of the word bark is used above?
A) the sound a dog makes
B) the outer covering of a tree
C) a command to stop
D) a small boat

B) the outer covering of a tree


Scientists who study fossils are called paleontologists. They use a variety of tools and methods to search for ancient remains. Fossils are often found in layers of rock that have been exposed by wind and water over millions of years. The process of finding fossils begins with choosing a good location, often one where rocks from the right time period are exposed. After selecting a site, paleontologists carefully dig, using small tools like brushes and chisels to uncover the fossils without damaging them. Once the fossils are removed, they are cleaned, studied, and sometimes even displayed in museums to teach people about ancient life.

Why does the author use sequence structure?

A) to show what the scientists’ tools are used for

B) to explain where the scientists look for fossils

C) to explain why the scientists’ jobs are exciting

D) to show what steps the scientists take to find fossils

D) to show what steps the scientists take to find fossils. 


What is the central idea:  

The Erie Canal changed the way people moved goods in the 1800’s.  The 363 mile canal connected Albany, New York to Lake Erie in Buffalo for the first time.  When the Canal opened in 1825, building supplies and goods could be transported quickly and cheaply across New York State.  Canal boats pulled by mules carried people and supplies across New York.

Central Idea: Lake Erie changed the way people moved goods.  


Think about the suffix "-est.

What is the meaning of the word "fastest" as used below:

Adalynn is the fastest runner in 3rd grade.  

A. Adalynn is fastest than the other boys.

B. Adalynn can run more quickly than Briar.  

C. Adalynn can run more quickly than any other kid at the school

C. Adalynn can run more quickly than any other kid at the school


Which sentence uses commas correctly?

1.   Jasmyn, ran jumped and skipped at recess.

2.   Jasmyn ran, jumped, and skipped at recess. 

3.  Jasmyn ran jumped, and skipped at recess.  

2.   Jasmyn ran, jumped, and skipped at recess.


Fun with Sports

What Are Sports?

Sports are games that people play for fun and competition. They can be played individually or in teams. Some popular sports include soccer, basketball, and baseball. People enjoy playing sports because they help keep us active and healthy!

Why Play Sports?

Playing sports has many benefits. It helps us stay fit and learn new skills. Sports also teach us teamwork and how to be a good friend. When we play on a team, we learn to work together to win!

Different Types of Sports

There are many types of sports to choose from. Some sports, like swimming and running, are individual activities. Others, like football and volleyball, require teams. Each sport has its own set of rules and equipment.

Why did the author include headings in the article?

A) to tell what the title of the article is
B) to tell what the main idea of the article is
C) to tell what each part of the article is mostly about
D) to tell what words are important in each part of the article

C) to tell what each part of the article is mostly about.


As you explore the beach, you come across beautiful shells that have intricate patterns on them.

Which meaning of the word patterns is used above?
A) types of writing
B) copies of a picture
C) designs that are repeated
D) arrangements of numbers

C. designs that are repeated


The Water Cycle

What Is the Water Cycle?

The water cycle is the continuous movement of water on, above, and below the surface of the Earth. It involves several processes, including evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. Understanding the water cycle is important because it helps us learn how water is distributed and recycled in our environment.


Evaporation occurs when water from oceans, rivers, and lakes turns into water vapor due to the heat from the sun. This process is essential for moving water into the atmosphere.


Once water vapor rises, it cools and condenses into tiny droplets, forming clouds. This process is a crucial part of the water cycle because it leads to precipitation.


Precipitation happens when the clouds become heavy with water droplets and release the water as rain, snow, or hail. This water eventually returns to the Earth's surface, where it can be used by plants, animals, and people.

Why did the author include headings in the article?

A) to tell what the title of the article is
B) to tell what the main idea of the article is
C) to tell what each part of the article is mostly about
D) to tell what words are important in each part of the article

C) to tell what each part of the article is mostly about


Rocks are made up of minerals and can be found in a variety of environments. Some rocks, like granite, are made from magma that cools and hardens deep beneath the Earth's surface. Others, like limestone, form from layers of shells and skeletons of sea creatures over millions of years. Rocks are home to many tiny organisms, and they also play a role in shaping landscapes. The process of weathering breaks rocks into smaller pieces, creating soil where plants can grow and animals can live.

Which details support the idea that rocks are important to the environment?

Select TWO correct answers.

A) Rocks are fun to collect.
B) Rocks help form soil for plants.
C) Rocks are used to make buildings.
D) Many organisms live in or on rocks.
E) People should never move rocks outdoors.

B) Rocks help form soil for plants.
D) Many organisms live in or on rocks.


The park was much busier on the weekend than during the week.

What is the meaning of busier as it is used above?
A) less dirty than it was
B) making very little noise
C) working to pick up dirt
D) more crowded than before

D) more crowded than before


Fill in theblank with the correct abstract noun.

Sometimes I worry about speaking in front of the class, so it took some _______ for me to give my presentation.

A) calm
B) courage
C) fear
D) peace

B) Courage


Rocks are an important part of the Earth's structure. They can be found everywhere, from deep underground to high on mountains. There are three main types of rocks: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Each type is formed in a different way. Igneous rocks come from cooled lava or magma, sedimentary rocks form from layers of sand, pebbles, and shells, and metamorphic rocks are created when existing rocks are changed by heat and pressure. Learning about rocks helps us understand Earth's history and how to protect its resources.

Why did the author write the article?

A) to tell people to visit rocks often

B) to teach how to collect rocks

C) to share how rocks change over time

D) to explain how people can keep rocks safe

D) to explain how people can keep rocks safe


As you walk through the garden, you see a bloom of colorful flowers swaying in the breeze.

Which meaning of the word bloom is used above?

A) a state of being healthy

B) a flower or a group of flowers

C) to grow or develop

D) a cheerful or happy expression

A) a state of being healthy


Fossils provide valuable insights into the history of life on Earth. They are generally classified into two main categories: body fossils and trace fossils. Body fossils are the actual remains of an organism, such as bones, teeth, and shells. These fossils give us a direct look at what ancient creatures looked like. On the other hand, trace fossils are not the remains of the organism itself but rather signs of their activity, like footprints, burrows, or nests. Both types of fossils are essential for understanding how different species lived and interacted with their environments.

In the passage, the author uses boldface type for the words body fossil and trace fossil. Why does the author use bold for these words? Support your answer with evidence from the story.

The author wants us to know that there are two different types of fossils. By using bold text, the author helps us understand and learn about these important ideas.


Fossils are the preserved remains or traces of ancient organisms that lived millions of years ago. They can be found in rocks, amber, and even ice. There are different types of fossils, such as body fossils, which include bones and teeth, and trace fossils, which show footprints or burrows left behind by animals. Paleontologists are scientists who study fossils to learn about the history of life on Earth. By carefully digging and examining fossils, they can discover how different species lived and evolved over time.

What is the central idea of the article?
A) Fossils show the bodies and tracks of animals.
B) Digging in the ground is a good way to find fossils.
C) Scientists who work with fossils are paleontologists.
D) There are different kinds of fossils and ways to find them.

D) There are different kinds of fossils and ways to find them.


The children became impatient while waiting for the movie to start.

What is the meaning of impatient as it is used above?
A) very worried
B) not able to wait
C) being too careful
D) not able to continue

B) not able to wait


Abstract or Concrete Nouns?

The lady had many memories about her family.

Concrete Nouns.