Section 1: The Psychology of Motivation
Section 2: Biological Needs & Hunger
Section 3: Psychological Needs
Section 4:
Definitions and Vocabulary

There are two types: biological and psychological. Example of biological: food and water. Example of psychological: love and self esteem.

What are needs?


I am involved in hunger: when I am being used, hunger decreases, even if the food doesn't go into the stomach.

The Stomach


I am a study that acts as proof that humans are motivated by stimulus motives, especially sensory stimulation. What study am I?

The 1950s McGill University Sensory Deprivation Study


According to this ssychologist, all emotions that people experience are present at birth but don't show up all at once.

Who is Carroll Izard?


A stimulus that moves a person to behave in ways designed to accomplish a specific goal

What is a motive?


This theory states that human behavior is motivated by behavior patterns which are genetically transmitted from generation to generation.

What is Instinct Theory?


I am involved in hunger because when I am empty, people feel hungry. However, I also make noises when I am full, and people who don't have me in their bodies still feel hungry too. What am I?

The stomach


How might exploration and manipulation help an animal to survive?

Learning about resources and learning how to change the environment around you increases chances for survival.


According to this theorist, facial expressions are universal because it allows us all to understand what emotions we are feeling, and therefore increases our chances of survival.

Who is Charles Darwin?


A theory that states that we satisfy basic drives based on cultural experiences and traditions.

What is sociocultural theory?


This theory states that people experience drives arising from needs, and this drive makes them uncomfortable. Therefore, they will try to reduce the drive by fulfilling the need.

What is Drive-Reduction Theory?


I regulate body temperature, and when blood sugar drops, I receive a warning message. When I want people to start eating, a part of me sends a message to feel hungry. When I want people to stop eating, a part of me sends a message to feel full. What am I?

The Hypothalamus


Adults with a high amount of this may strive to move forward in their careers, set challenging goals for themselves, and broaden their skills.

Achievement Motivation


According to this theory, when something happens around us, we interpret the situation, and that interpretation triggers body sensations that signal a feeling or emotion. The emotion then triggers a behavior.

What is the commonsense approach theory?


The part of the hypothalamus that functions as a "stop-eating" center in the brain.

What is the ventromedial hypothalamus?


According to this theory, people are motivated by the conscious desire for growth and fulfillment, and this can outweigh more basic needs.

What is humanistic theory?


Suppose a child's parents give him food whenever he does his chores. How might this affect his dietary habits later in life?

He may develop a weight problem because he associates food with reward or approval, and thus eats more when feeling down.


According to this idea invented by Festinger & Bem, people seek to think and behave in a way that fits what they believe and how others expect them to think and behave.

What is Cognitive Consistency?


According to this theory, external stimuli trigger the brain to process them, and then the body simultaneously stimulates bodily changes and cognitive activity (emotions).

What is the Cannon-Bard Theory?


A theory that states that people need to organize their perceptions, opinions, and beliefs in a harmonious manner. According to this theory, there are three states we can be in: balance, imbalance, nonbalance.

What is Balance Theory?


By the end of the day, most students and teachers are eager to finish classes. Use Drive-Reduction Theory to explain why this happens.

By the end of the day, students and teachers have developed a drive to rest after exercising their brains in classes, so by the end of the day they want classes to end.


Draw a diagram on the board that outlines all things that influence the hunger drive and rank each one (which one is the most influential).

1: hypothalamus

2: blood sugar level

3: stomach

4: mouth

5: psychological factors


According to Cognitive Dissonance Theory, how would a man rate a play that was boring, but that he also had to keep watching because it featured his best friend in the lead role, and then review it?

He would convince himself that the play was better than it actually was and give it a positive review.


According to this theory, all emotions have similar bodily response patterns. An external stimulus triggers our bodies to respond, and then our brains analyze the situation based on a couple of factors. After analysis, the brain labels the emotion.

What is the Theory of Cognitive Appraisal?


This theory of emotions states the following: external stimulus leads to instinctive bodily response patterns, which lead to behavior, which lead to emotions.

What is the James Lange Theory?