If you are ______, you are very worried and upset.
A _______ is a person who lives and dies.
"The price of admission is a gift fit for a king." What did Perseus bring as a gift?
Perseus did not bring a gift because he could not afford to buy a gift for the king.
What does Andromeda do when Perseus tells her who he is?
She tells him that the king has punished his mother.
Goddess of courage
A person's ______ is what will eventually happen in his of her life.
If you ______ a plan, you figured out a way to achieve that plan.
Why do the gods visit Perseus in Medusa's bedroom?
to give him the tools he needs to beat Medusa
Why is Poseidon angry with Andromeda's mother?
He was angry with her mother because she told everyone that her daughter was more beautiful than Poseidon's daughter.
Father of all gods
An _______ is a long journey that is exciting and eventful.
What is a knapsack?
a bag
Why didn't Perseus turn to stone during his encounter with Medusa?
Perseus didn't turn to stone because he only looked at Medusa's reflection, which could not harm him.
Which three Greek gods helped Perseus by giving him weapons or tools?
Zeus, Athena, Hermes
God of travel
Zeus tells Perseus that his courage is REMARKABLE. What does the word remarkable mean as it is used in the play?
amazing/ surprising/ unusual...etc
Danae: Come, let's leave this horrid place. What does the word horrid mean?
very bad/ unpleasant/ frightening....etc
What was Perseus' weakness or character flaw?
his pride
Why did King Polydectes ask for Medusa's head as a gift from Perseus?
He was expecting Perseus to be killed by Medusa, and then he would be able to marry Danae (Perseus' mother).
God of the sea
Make a sentence using the vocabulary "odyssey".
Answers will vary
Make a sentence using the vocabulary "distress".
Answers will vary
What is similar about the ways in which Perseus rescues Andromeda and Danae?
In both cases, he used the head of Medusa.
What are the three weapons or tools Zeus, Athena, and Hermes gave Perseus?
a sword, a shield, and winged slippers
The Gorgon