The cartoon cat with a pop tart for a torso
What is Nyan Cat
The trip we took to the "wild outdoors"
What is the environmental trip
The school colors of MHS
What is white, blue and silver
The one college major we hate the most
What is buisness
The color of his room
What is blue
The name of the song that was released in 2011 we either all hated or loved for being catchy. The girl who stared in the video got a lot of hate even though she didn't even write it.
What is Friday by Rebecca Black
The 8th-grade graduation song
What is Home by Philips Philips
What is the name of the daily morning announcements
The Mustang News
The yearly combined average income for a Biomedical Engineer, Biologist, and Psychologist
What is $220,000
The thing he hates the most in life when doing anything. He always wants to get things done
What is waisting time
The name of the song and YouTube video that was posted in 2009 about an animal wanting this fruit.
What is The Duck song
The name of the side B 8th grade science teacher
What is Mrs. Flint
The slogan...
What is the Mustang Way
The name of the nervous system increases HR, BP, and causes vasoconstriction.
What is the sympathetic nervous system
The time of the day he was born at approximately is
What is 2am
The name of this song was posted to Youtube in 2007 about food and weather that repeats the title throughout the song
What is Chocolate Rain
The loudest 8th-grade teacher. Everyone could hear this person screaming at us throughout the day
What is Mr. Harrignton
What is Mr. Lazzaro
An example of open systems would be the artificial version of the largest organ in the body
What is artificial skin
His most prized possession from Morgan is this fuzzy weird-looking figurine on his shelf in his room name what
What is Carl
Vrei sa pleci dar nu
ma, nu ma iei
What is numa numa
Out favorite dude we love and know him idk I ran out of things to put
What is Mr. Scala
The two teachers were our yearbook dedicated to and who created the design for the cover
What is Mr. Maldonado, Mrs. Simpson and Laura
Meiosis I produces _____ cells, each of which is _____.
What is two and haploid
The year that he completed his eagle scout project and what a year and the project he did.
What is 2017 and clean the Mystic River