Did I ever go on a date night with her?
This character is very young but is still on the top of doree’s hit list
Nate Frazier
Street that I was in during majority of my free time
Where is my b day party every year
What do I do with leftover alcohol from fred that I bring?
Leave in freezer
Why did we break up?
What fb character transferred to usc
What was the final score of sugarbowl
Where did I meet Hailey freshman year
Double barrel
What shooters ( alcoholic) did I bring to fred pregame party
What nickname do I refer to her as?
Sophie and doree got into an argument over who gets dib on this character ( freshman lb)
Justin williams
What did we do instead of rest the day the game got postponed
We practiced!!!
Where did I go to sand staff party at?
Paloma park
What do I do most times I come to fred before I walk in
Crack door open and try to scare yall
What ultimatum did she give me before winter break
Either work on getting back tg or no more hu
Doree wanted to kiss this character thru the phone on nye
Where did I want to get chicken from the day the game got postponed, but Kirby wouldn’t let me
Willys chicken
What do I call the huzz when I am dr
Who is the only girl I’ve brought to the fred
Sarah Beth
How many plan b’s have I bought her?
What fb character does Doree not like that is from the same city as her ( trick question)
Warren Brinson
How many daquiris did I have in 2 nights of me going out on bourbon street ( closet number, or within 2 on first attempt)
which former sneaky link of mine lived dt ( former, not counting Georgia heights sneaky link)
Bobbi, my old rankin tutor
Who did I sing to at the fred on bid day?
Macie mowell