Hmong Embroidery and Textile
Expectations of Hmong Women Growing Up
Marriage to Motherhood
Cultural Significance of Women

Considering that Hmong is an oral culture; Hmong textiles can often communicate and share mutually understood information.  What form of communication is this?



Are Hmong women raised to show collectivism or individualism?



Of the "three P's"--patriarchy, patrilineality, and patrilocality--which causes the most sadness for new brides? Why?

patrilocality because it means she has to leave her home and often her village and will rarely see her birth family any more


According to a Hmong legend, this gender was deemed fit to rule the world because of its superior judgment in preserving life?



Daily Double: Are women usually accompanied by many people while giving birth?

No, women are ideally alone while giving birth


The skillful needlework and threading used in creating Paj Ntaub are primarily passed on from grandmothers, mothers, and aunts to daughters.  In rare occasions, these lifelong skills may be taught by a kind and willing mother-in-law to her daughter-in-law if she is unskilled before taken into marriage.  At approximately what age do most young girls begin to learn these skills?

6 years old


What are daughters expected to do in their spare time?

They work on their embroidery.


How many children do the Hmong women expected to have?

More than her mother and mother-in-law to pay all her earthly debt


Daily Double: Despite gender stratification, Hmong women are deeply valued for this essential role, which ensures the continuity of the family and lineage?

Childbirth and Motherhood


What is the chant called that instructs the soul at death, to return to its father’s house? 

The Showing the Way Chant


The best display of Hmong embroidery and textiles are the formal clothing that are mainly worn for special occasions such as the New Year Celebration or as a bride.  Of the formal clothing, the most adorned and decorative piece of clothing for a woman is also the most culturally necessary.  What is this piece of clothing called and what does it represent?

Sev, femininity


Daily Double:What are all the virtues of being a good Hmong woman?

 Patience, creativity, industriousness


What is the importance of giving birth especially the first kid?

a major rite of passage for a young woman.


In addition to household work, Hmong women significantly contribute to the family’s survival by engaging in these two vital activities?

Farming and Livestock


Which soul is the one that reincarnates and was once an ancestor?

The third soul


Daily Double: Paj ntaub or flower clothes are artful pieces of cloth that are embroidered with intricate needlework and various sewing techniques that create beautiful motifs.  On this flower cloth, what is the main symbol and what does it stand for?

Elephant’s foot: prosperity and wealth


Where do Hmong people bury their daughter’s placenta?  

Under Her Bed


Daily Double: In a Hmong wedding, the conjoining parties are referred to as the wife-givers and the wife-takers.  They come together at the wife-giver's home where they negotiate the terms of the marriage, the bride-price, and resolve any conflicts between the clans.  What are the titles given to those who represent each party during the negotiations and how many, in total, are there?

Go-betweens (Mej Koob), 4 total


While men conduct formal ancestor rituals, Hmong women protect their family's spiritual well-being by doing this daily household practice?

Maintaining home altars and preparing food ritual food offerings


What is used to tie around the baby’s neck right after birth?

A white and red plaited hemp cord, which ties in the two souls in the child’s body and protects them during the first 3 days of life.