This person is the principal of the building
Who is Mr. Paolino
Band Aids, temperature, medicine
What is the nurses office
The time that school starts
What is 8:03 am?
we always walk on this side in the hallways and stairs
What is the right
The cafeteria is here
What is the basement
Mrs. Watson's and Mr. Brown's are (what are their job titles)...
What are guidance counselors
schedules, report cards, staying on track with your grades
What is the guidance office
What you do when you come into the classroom
What is sit in your assigned seat and complete the bellringer
if unsure of how to get to your destination, you can ask
What is a Hall/Security Monitor
Art, Music, Band, CTE (Technology) can be found here
What is the ground floor
The 8th grade Principal
Who is Ms. House
conflict resolution, mediation, social workers
What is Full Service
Amount of time to get from class to class
What is 2 minutes
You are not permitted to be in the hallway at these times
What is the first and last 10 minutes of a period
Things you should not wear to school (list 3)..
What are slides, hats, hoods, sunglasses
The 7th grade principal
Who is Mr. Moultrie
ID's, security, school psychologist
What is the main office
Odd numbered classroom and locker numbers
What is the South side (or on the "A" side)
These are not used when changing classes
What is the center stairs
The use of these directions will open your locker
What is a Right turn, 2 Left turns (opposite direction), then 1 Right turn
What is Mr. Harris and Ms. Walton's job title?
What is Home School Coordinator
Ground Floor, Books, Testing
What is the library
The 3 overall expectations for the classroom are
What is be safe, be respectful, and be responsible
This is not shared with anyone
What is your password AND locker combination
Entering HMS by grade level
What is:
the north side on the 1st floor (6th grade)
the front center doors (8th grade)
the Cafeteria if eating breakfast and 7th grade