Many Mini
More Micro

Protists can be split into three groups depending on the type of organism they resemble.  What are these three groups?

What are plant-like protists, animal-like protists, and fungi-like protists?


Would asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction be more common among fungi?

What is asexual reproduction?


A virus is a strand of ________ or _________ surrounded by a layer of ________________ that can infect and replicate in a ____________ cell.

(Fill in the blanks above.)

What are DNA, RNA, protein, and host?


This kingdom contains prokaryotes that have been around since ancient times.  Many are able to survive in extreme, harsh conditions.

What is archaea?


This is a special medicine that fights against bacteria.

What is an antibiotic?


This whip-like structures can be used for movement in microorganisms.

What are flagella?


Plant-like protists are autotrophic which means they are able to do this.

What is make their own food?


Would fungi be autotrophic or heterotrophic?

What is heterotrophic?  They can not perform photosynthesis to make their own food.


Two reasons viruses differ from living things would be that they can not _____________ on their own but only do so by using a host cell and that they can not obtain and use ____________ like living things.

(Fill in the blanks above.)

What are reproduce and energy?


Bacteria often reproduce by this asexual reproduction method in which a  cell divides and forms two identical cells.

What is fission?

This would be a mixture of deactivated pathogens given to a person for the purpose of developing immunity.  

What is a vaccine?


Pathogens would cause this.

What is disease?


Animal-like protists are heterotrophic because they can not do this.

What is make their own food?  They must consume food to survive.


Many fungi reproduce by using these structures.  Each can grow into a new fungi.

What are spores?


This would be the type of cycle in which a virus infects a cell and gets the cell to produce multiple copies of the virus until it breaks apart freeing the new viruses to infect more cells.

What is the lytic or active cycle?


These are the three shapes commonly associated with bacteria.

What are spherical/round, spiral, and rod-shaped?


Heating a food or liquid to a high temperature to kill bacteria and delay spoiling is called this.

What is pasteurization?


Many microorganisms break down dead organic matter.  What is the name for this process?

What is decomposition?


Algae and diatoms would be part of this group of protists.

What are plant-like protists?


In order to form lichen, fungi must grow together with organisms that make their own food through this process.

What is photosynthesis?


This would be the type of cycle in which a virus infects the host cell and merges its genetic material with that of the host.  Then, whenever the host cell makes a copy of itself, a virus copy is made as well.

What is the lysogenic cycle (AKA dormant or latent cycle)?


If conditions are not favorable for survival (very hot, very cold, or very dry), a bacterium can shut itself away and wait for better conditions by building a thick internal wall.  A resulting walled in bacteria would be called this.

What is an endospore?


This group gets their food by dissolving nutrients and then absorbing them.

What are fungi?


Which would result in greater genetic variation-asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction would result in greater variety since offspring produced by asexual reproduction are all identical to the parent (unless a mutation occurs).


Sometimes called protozoans, this group of protists would include paramecium and amoeba.

What are animal-like protists?


How might lichen help a new ecosystem develop?

Lichen help break down rock into soil, allowing for plant growth.


This is how viruses adapt to changing conditions.

What is mutation?


This gas in the atmosphere must be changed in form before plants can use it.  Bacteria help with this change process.

What is the gas?

Where are the bacteria that do this found?

What is nitrogen?

What is in nodules on the roots of the plants?


Which of these kingdoms are prokaryotic, and which ones are eukaryotic?


Bacteria and archaea are prokaryotic (having smaller, simpler cells without a membrane-bound nucleus).

Fungi and Protista are eukaryotic (having larger, more complex cells with a nucleus).

This is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic organisms.

What is aerobic organisms need oxygen, and anaerobic organisms do not?


Slime molds and water molds break down organic matter for food and would be in this group of protists.

What are fungi-like protists?


This sac fungi helps bread rise as it feeds on sugar and produces carbon dioxide during the fermentation process.

What is yeast?


When the body makes special proteins that can target and fight particular viruses, giving a person immunity from that virus, these special "virus fighters" the body makes are called ________________.

What are antibodies?


This is the process of using bacteria to help clean up pollutants from the environment.  (Ex. Bacteria are sometimes used to clean up oil spills.)

What is bioremediation?


Tiny hair-like structures that can cover microorganisms and help with movement and transport are called this.

What are cillia?


The protein coat or shell on a virus is called this.

What is a capsid?