May the Force Be With You
Move It!
Figure it Out
It's the Law!
Newton would Know

The box will not move until this type of force occurs.

What is unbalanced?


This vehicle pictured below will require more force to start moving.

What is the truck?  The vehicle with more mass has more inertia.  It will require more force to start its motion and more force to stop it from moving.


This would be the FORCE acting on a 30-kg box that is accelerating at 5 m/s2.

What is 150 Newtons?  (Remember that Newtons are equivalent to kg*m/s2.)


If no change in motion occurs, according to Newton's first law, the forces acting on the object must be _______________.

What is balanced?


Out of the two objects below, this one would have the most inertia.

The 300-kg ball would have the most inertia.  More mass=more inertia.  The more massive ball would be harder to start moving and harder to stop moving.


This law states that an object at rest will remain at rest if all forces are balanced.

What is the 1st Law of Motion?


Which would have greater momentum, a brick sitting on the ground or a bee flying at 1 m/s?

The bee would have greater momentum.  An object that is not moving does not have momentum.


A car is pulled with a force of 6000 N.  It accelerates at 5 m/s2.  This would be the mass of the car.

What is 1200 kg?


This law states that an object's acceleration will increase with increased force and decrease with increased mass.

What is the 2nd law of motion?  


If the same force is applied to an empty shopping cart and a full shopping cart, this is how the acceleration of the two will compare.

What is the acceleration of the empty cart would be greater?  The empty cart is easier to move and harder to stop from moving due to increased mass.


An object is moving at a constant speed in one direction.  This will happen if no unbalanced forces act on the object.

What is it will continue moving with the same speed in the same direction?


When you skateboard and push on the ground with your foot, this is the reaction from Newton's 3rd Law.

What is that the ground pushes back on your foot with equal force?


The tendency of an object to resist any change to its current state of motion.

What is inertia?


If two items crash into one another and stick together, this type of collision has occurred.

What is an inelastic collision?


For action-reaction pairs, this would be how would their forces compare in 

a.) magnitude (strength), and 

b.) direction.

What is 

a.) equal in magnitude, and

b.) opposite in direction


This law is also referred to as the Law of Inertia.

What is Newton's First Law of Motion?


If you increase the mass of an object but do not change the amount of force applied, this is how the acceleration will change.

What is the acceleration will decrease?


This is the momentum of a ball having a mass of 5 kg that is traveling at a velocity of 10 m/s.

What is 50 kg*m/s?


These two factors impact the momentum of an object.

What is the mass of the object and its velocity?


If two objects bounce off one another after running into each other, this type of collision has occurred.

What is an elastic collision?


This is Newton's Law that explains why air downward from an open balloon will cause the balloon to move upward.

What is the 3rd Law of Motion?


A 10-kg cart is traveling at 10 km/h.  A second cart with a mass of 2 kg and traveling at 70 km/h runs into the first cart from behind.  After the collision, the two carts stick together and continue moving.  This would be the speed of the combined carts.

What is 20 km/h?

(10x10)+(2X70)=12kg x ?

100+140=12 kg x ?


?=20 km/h


You are moving a dresser that has a mass of 30 kg; its acceleration is 3 m/s2.This would be the force acting on the dresser.

What is 90 Newtons?


This law states that, in an isolated system with no external net forces acting, the momentum will stay consistent.

What is the Law of Conservation of Momentum?  Momentum will be the same before and after a collision, it just may be distributed differently.


This is why the equal and opposite forces that are part of Newton's 3rd law DON'T cancel each other out.

What is because they are not acting on the same object?


The diagram below shows two balls of equal mass. Ball X is moving toward ball Y at 2 m/s. Ball Y is at rest. When ball X collides with ball Y, ball X stops moving. This will happen to ball Y after the collision.

Ball Y will then move to the right at 2 m/s.  The momentum must be conserved, and it it transferred to Ball Y.


Alli pushes a textbook with a force of 2N.  It accelerates at 2 m/s2.  She then pushes an identical textbook with twice as much force.  This is how the acceleration will change for the second book.

What is the acceleration will double as well?  Double the force (4N) with an identical book (same mass) will result in an acceleration of 4 m/s2.


A 10kg ball moving at 13m/s strikes a 20kg ball at rest. After the collision the 10kg ball is moving with a velocity of 7m/s. What is the velocity of the second ball?

What is 3 m/s?

(10 x 13) + (20 x 0) = (10 x 7) + (20 x ?)

130 + 0 = 70 + (20 x ?)

130-70=(20 x ?)

60 = 20 x ?

?=3 m/s


Newton applies a force to the elephant.  

A) How much force would be applied from the elephant to Newton?

B.) How would the resultant acceleration for Newton compare to the acceleration for the elephant?

A.) The force applied from the elephant to Newton would be equal. (Action-Reaction)

B.) Newton will accelerate at a faster rate as they BOTH move away from one another.


A stationary, 28-kilogram ice skater catches a 2.0-kilogram medicine ball thrown at a speed of 45 meters per second. This would describe the skater's speed — in meters per second —and direction after catching the ball.

What is 3 m/s backwards?