This baking tool is used to whip cream by hand or emulsify thin liquids. What is it?
A whisk
What popular instrument does Liberace, Elton John, Ray Charles, and Billy Joel famously play?
For which popular outdoor activity would you need a fly rod?
Fly fishing
A haiku, a limerick, and a sonnet are all types of what?
What type of vehicle containing only one wheel can be used for recreation by those with exceptional balance?
You can bake me with simple ingredients: butter, sugar, eggs, and flour. Add what you like to spice things up, then scoop me out and plop me on a sheet to bake me by the dozen. What am I?
A cookie
What do you call a series of 8 consecutive notes on a scale, beginning and ending on the same note?
A female bear is called a ________.
What verb is associated with shaping clay on a pottery wheel?
A "squirrel suit" also known as a wingsuit is an apparatus that allows the dare devil wearing it to _________.
Fly, base jump, glide
When making bread, one of the most important ingredients is _______, which is a bacteria that eats the sugar in the flour, and produces gas that allows the bread to rise.
What does the term "tempo" refer to?
What environmental hazard caused by unstable snow pack do skiers, snowboarders, and snow mobilers need to be cautious of?
What phrase is customary in the theater world to wish one luck in a performance?
Break a leg
In this sport, a skier is towed by a rope attached to a sprinting horse, and must complete jumps and collect rings hanging from a wire.
Ski joring
A ________ oven is a special type of oven used for baking that circulates air throughout the baking process.
What is the singing part, generally occupied by men, that covers the lowest range in a choir?
What type of rock when struck against steel is useful for producing a spark to ignite a fire?
What substance is used to thin oil pants?
The race in which extreme athletes complete a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile bicycle ride, and then a 26.2 mile run is called an ___________.
This is the term used for incorporating butter between layers of pastry dough. It shares its name with a common means of protecting paper by heating thin plastic around it.
What tool is clamped on the neck of a fretted string instrument to change the tuning by a particular amount?
A "PFD" is an acronym for what essential equipment for water activities?
Personal Flotation Device
LARP is an acronym for Live Action ______ ______, during which participants dress as medieval characters and "role play" fighting with homemade (harmless) weapons.
Role Play