How do you say five in Japanese?
How do you say "shopping" in Japanese?
How do you say the word "family" in Japanese?
How do you say, cloudy in Japanese?
kumori (くもり)
How do you greet your teacher in the afternoon?
How do you say 16 in Japanese?
How do you say "hobby" in Japanese?
What does this word mean? おかあさん
How do you say, Sunny or clear in Japanese?
Hare (はれ)
How do you greet your teacher in the morning?
ohayou gozaimasu
How do you say 99 in Japanese?
Read this sentence and translate it into English: しゅみは(wa)なんですか。
What is your hobby? or What are your hobbies?
How do you say grandpa and grandma in Japanese?
ojiisan obaasan
How do you say "warm" in Japanese?
atatakai (あたたかい)
How do you say thank you in Japanese?
arigatou gozaimasu
How do you say 15 years old in Japanese?
juu-go sai desu.
Read and translate: りょうりです。
It is cooking.
Please read and then translate into English: おかあさんのなまえはけいこです。
Mom's name is Keiko.
How do you say "It is cold." in Japanese?
samui desu. (さむいです。)
How do you say You're welcome in Japanese?
Read this sentence and translate: おかあさん は(wa)よんじゅうさいです。
Mom is 40 years old.
Read and translate into English: しゅみはえいがとすいえいです。
My hobbies are movies and swimming.
Please read this sentence and then translate into English: おねえさんはじゅうごさいです。
Older sister is 15 years old.
Answer this question in Japanese: kyou wa donna tenki desuka.
________desu. (_____です。)
How do you ask to go to the bathroom in Japanese?
toire ni itte mo iidesuka. (トイレにいってもいいですか。)