Creative Hobbies
Physical/Outdoor Hobbies
Intellectual Hobbies
Collecting Hobbies
Social Hobbies

Creating intricate origami art OR painting a classic oil landscape | "Fold under pressure" OR "Paint the town red"

"Fold under pressure" (fail or give in when under stress) OR "Paint the town red" (go out and celebrate)

Can you share a time when you felt pressure to succeed? How did you handle it?


Practicing Tai Chi in a park OR going for a jog in a suburban neighborhood | "Go with the flow" OR "Hit the ground running"

"Go with the flow" (adapt easily to a situation) OR "Hit the ground running" (start something with enthusiasm and energy)

How do you react when plans suddenly change? Do you find it easy to adapt?

Have you ever started something new with lots of energy? What was it?


Studying the philosophy of Confucius OR reading the works of Plato | "Wise as an owl" 

"Wise as an owl" (very knowledgeable or intelligent)

Who is the wisest person you know? Why?


Collecting vintage tea sets OR collecting antique porcelain | "Not my cup of tea"

"Not my cup of tea" (not something one enjoys)

What is something that many people enjoy but you don’t?


Joining a traditional tea ceremony group OR attending a wine-tasting club

"Spill the tea" (share gossip or news)  

Do you like to hear gossip, or do you avoid it? Why?


Writing haiku poetry OR writing a sonnet in iambic pentameter | "Put pen to paper"  OR "Make every word count" 

"Put pen to paper" (begin writing something) OR "Make every word count" (be concise and meaningful with words)

Do you prefer writing by hand or typing? Why? 

What is the best advice you’ve ever received in just one sentence?


Hiking the Kumano Kodo trail in Japan OR hiking the Appalachian Trail in the U.S. | "Take the road less traveled" OR "A long haul"

"Take the road less traveled" (choose a unique or unconventional path) OR "A long haul" (a difficult or time-consuming journey)

Would you rather visit a famous tourist attraction or an unknown place? Why? 

What is the longest journey or trip you’ve ever taken?


Solving Sudoku puzzles OR solving crossword puzzles | "Think outside the box"

"Think outside the box" (think in a creative or unconventional way) 

Can you think of a creative way to use an everyday object?


Collecting rare manga volumes OR collecting classic comic books | "Don't judge a book by its cover"

"Don't judge a book by its cover" (don’t judge something by its appearance) 

Have you ever misjudged someone or something based on first impressions?


Participating in a K-pop dance cover group OR joining a ballroom dancing class | "Two left feet" (K-pop dance/Ballroom)

"Two left feet" (bad at dancing)

Are you good at dancing? Why or why not?


Learning traditional calligraphy with a brush and ink OR practicing modern graffiti art | Leave your mark" OR "Brush up on something" 

"Leave your mark" (make a lasting impression) OR "Brush up on something" (refresh or improve a skill)

If you could be remembered for one thing, what would it be?

What is a skill or subject you learned in the past but need to practice again?


Learning Kendo (a Japanese martial art) OR taking up fencing |  "Cross swords"

"Cross swords" (engage in conflict or competition)

Have you ever had a friendly debate with someone? What was it about?


Learning about traditional herbal medicine OR studying modern anatomy | "An apple a day keeps the doctor away"

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away" (healthy habits prevent illness)

Do you believe in any health tips or old sayings about staying healthy?


Collecting ancient coins OR collecting Roman-era artifacts | "A penny saved is a penny earned"

"A penny saved is a penny earned" (saving money is as valuable as earning it)

Do you like to save money or spend it? Why?


Volunteering at a temple festival OR volunteering at a church charity event | "Many hands make light work"

"Many hands make light work" (tasks are easier when many people help)

Can you think of a time when teamwork helped make something easier?


Designing a kimono pattern OR sewing a Victorian-style dress | "Fit like a glove" 

Fit like a glove" (fit perfectly or be a perfect match)

Have you ever bought something that fit you or suited you perfectly? What was it?


Practicing yoga in an ashram in India OR joining a CrossFit gym | "Bend over backward" OR "Jump through hoops"

"Bend over backward" (make a great effort to help) OR "Jump through hoops" (go through a lot of trouble to achieve something)

Have you ever done something difficult to help someone? What happened? 

Have you ever had to follow a lot of complicated steps to do something?


Exploring the history of the Silk Road OR exploring the history of the Roman Empire | "History repeats itself"

"History repeats itself" (events tend to recur in cycles)

Can you think of a historical event that is similar to something happening today?


Collecting traditional saris OR collecting vintage Hollywood memorabilia| "Dressed to the nines"

"Dressed to the nines" (dressed very elegantly or stylishly) 

What is the most formal event you have ever attended? What did you wear?


Joining a calligraphy workshop OR joining a creative writing group | "Put pen to paper"

"Put pen to paper" (start writing something)

Do you enjoy writing, or do you find it difficult?


Playing the erhu (a two-stringed instrument) OR playing the violin | "Play it by ear" 

"Play it by ear" (improvise rather than follow a plan)

Are you a planner, or do you prefer to improvise? Why?


Rock climbing in Thailand’s Railay Beach OR rock climbing in Yosemite National Park | "Reach new heights

"Reach new heights" (achieve a higher level of success)

What is an achievement you are proud of?


Mastering the game of Go OR mastering the game of chess | "A game of wits"

"A game of wits" (a situation requiring intelligence and strategy)

Do you like strategy games or puzzles? Why or why not?


Collecting samurai swords OR collecting medieval European armor | "A double-edged sword"

"A double-edged sword" (something that has both positive and negative effects)

Can you think of something that has both good and bad effects?


Attending a traditional cooking class OR attending a pasta-making workshop | "Too many cooks spoil the broth"

"Too many cooks spoil the broth" (too many people involved can ruin a project)

Have you ever worked on a group project that went badly because too many people had different ideas?