Continence & Therapeutic self care
Pain and Pressure Ulcers
What does ADL stand for?
Activities of Daily Living
What does IADL stand for?
INSTRUMENTAL Activities of Daily Living
What is the assessment period for Continence?
7 days
What are the two measures of pain included within the HOBIC assessment?
Frequency and Intensity
Who can you call if you have questions about using the HOBIC assessment?
Laura Jakob x6493
What information do you consider when completing an ADL assessment?
Information from the patient, carer, notes, performance etc. You use your critical nursing skills
How many IADLs are assessed with HOBIC?
How do you code someone with a suprapubic catheter who is continent of urine?
Continent with catheter
Your client reports that he is experiencing little pain (score of 3 ESAS) however he is showing non-verbal signs of experiencing pain. What would you do in this situation?
Speak to the client about what you're seeing and explore his pain. Test your assumptions of the intensity/frequency of his pain with him by using the words within the HOBIC assessment.
Can you use HOBIC on children?
No the tool is only for use in adult populations.
What is the ONLY ADL assessed for a period of 7 days?
Is dressing lower body assessed as an IADL?
No it is considered an ADL and would require you to use the codes provided in the ADL section
How would you code the following: Mr S is normally continent. Over the past 7 days he had one episode where he was unable to make it to the washroom at night. He is very embarrassed about telling you this information.
2 - Usually continent. Although this is unusual for Mr S - we record the information as it happened over the past 7 days.
For the HOBIC assessment - do you assess only visible pressure ulcers?
No - although you may not be able to see the ulcer the HOBIC assessment requires you to talk to your patient about the presence of an ulcer. These discussions and interactions with your patients are designed to be part of the value of the assessment.
When should you start using the HOBIC tool?
NOW! For all your new admissions AND for existing clients
What specific tasks need to be EXCLUDED from an assessment of bathing?
Washing of hair and back are excluded from the assessment.
If someone is capable of doing their shopping independently, but this task was completed by their son every week - how would you code this?
3 Activity preformed by others.
Your client reports that he has complete control and is never incontinent however his wife indicates that last night he was unable to get to the washroom in time. Upon further discussion she reports that this sometimes happen at night and has occured twice over the last week.
When completing the HOBIC assessment you are coding for what occurred over the assessment period - and that information should be collected using the information available, from the client, caregiver and any other resources available to you. This client would be coded as 3 Occassionally Incontinent - with episodes occurring 2 or more times a week but not daily
If your client has more than one pressure ulcer what do you focus on for the purposes of your assessment?
The most significant one present.
Do you need to complete your admission or baseline HOBIC assessment on the admission visit?
No - it can be completed as soon as possible following admission.
When you are assessing Eating - do you consider tube feedings as eating?
YES you do!
How would you code the following scenario: Mrs X calls her financial advisor monthly who tells her what to do with her money (what bills to pay, balances on accounts). She writes the cheques and attends to her payments.
1 - she receives some help (let me know if you disagree)
Therapeutic self care assess what?
Client's readiness for discharge (their ability to care for themselves)
How do you record pressure ulcers which were once a Stage 4 however now appear as a Stage 2.
You code as per the findings of the assessment you are making at the time. If a previously advanced wound was now a Stage 2 - partial loss of skin layers you would record it accordingly.
Who benefits from the introduction of HOBIC into clinical practice within the home?
The patient! Nurses, SEHC, Managers, the nursing community!