Random facts

There are x many points scored when the puck crosses the opposing team's goal in the net.

What is 1


This player went down in history known as "the great one"

Who is Wayne Gretkzy


The piece of equipment you hold in your hand

What is a Hockey stick


Controlling the puck with one's stick mostly in a side-to-side motion.

What is stick handling. 


There are x amount of minutes spent in the penalty box after a minor penalty is drawn.

What is 2 minutes.


The trophy for winning 16 games in the playoffs

What is The Stanley Cup


The 2 pieces of equipement are given to you buy the team you decide to play for?

What is jersey and socks.


A hard shot made by raising the stick about waist-high before striking the puck with a sharp slapping motion.

What is a slapshot


A penalty when a team has more than the legal number of players on the ice.

What is too many men on the ice.


The material of the very first hockey pucks used. 

What is wood


This piece of equipment is an alternative to a cage and all NHL players wear around their face

What is a visor


When the puck is passed to another player in such a way, that it flies in the air like a flying saucer in a controlled way that can go over people's sticks. 

What is a saucer pass?


The Rule where if a player crosses the opposing team's blue line before the puck does

What is an Offside


This player holds the record for the fastest slap shot. His shot was recorded at 118 miles per hour. 

Who is Bobby Hull.


The colour of the pucks for younger kids playing hockey.

What is blue.


 A deke in which a player uses the toe of their stick to drag the puck back towards themselves and out of a defender's reach.

What is a toe drag 


when a player shoots the puck over the center red line and to the opposing team's red goal line and the puck remains untouched without scoring a goal.

What is an Icing.


This player grew up in Parry sound and was known for his extreme skating skills as a defenseman, he played in the '60s and '70s. He was acknowledged as one of the greatest players of all time. 

Who is Bobby Orr


This piece of equipment is optional in the GTHL and is not required to wear unlike the other pieces of equipment.

What is a mouthguard


The nickname given to the skating move where the player has a diamond shape with their legs where their heels are together and toes are pointing outward. The player also shift their weight on the glide leg, opens up and plants their other leg while still in motion on the ground

What is "The Crosby"