Famous Battles
There's a Horse in There Somewhere
American Presidents
Walk like an Egyptian
King of the Norse
Famous Wars

 This man’s forces won the Battles of Carabobo and Boyaca, the later of which was part of his New Granada campaign. Jose de San Martin met with this general at the Guayaquil Conference. For the point, name this “Liberator” who helped several South American countries achieve independence.

Simon Bolivar


As a wedding gift, this god gave Zephryus's sons, the immortal horses Balius and Xanthus to Achilles's father, Peleus. The half-snake king Cecrops ruled against this god in a contest in which Athena created the olive tree, and this god created a salt water spring. The father of Triton was, for the point, what Greek god of the sea?



Along with Benjamin Franklin and John Jay, this man negotiated the Treaty of Paris. This man acted as defense attorney for British soldiers in the Boston Massacre. This man served as the first Vice President of the United States, and fathered the sixth President of the United States. For the point, name this second U.S. president.

John Adams


Depictions of this figure show him wearing the Atef crown topped with two ostrich plumes while grasping a crook and flail. After this deity was lured into a sarcophagus, his wife found his body inside a tree at Byblos. Set murdered, for the point, what husband of Isis, the Egyptian god of the dead



The funeral of one of these people on the Volga River was described by Ibn Fadlan. After failing to stop attacks by these people along the Seine, Charles the Simple gave them control of Normandy. The Danelaw in Central England was established by these warriors who often used longships to attack coastal settlements. For the point, name these Norse warriors that did not actually wear horned helmets.



84 American prisoners perished at Malmedy during this battle where Anthony McAuliffe famously replied to a surrender request with the word “Nuts.” This battle was the last major German offensive on the Western Front in World War II. Taking place in the Ardennes Forest, for the point, name this battle named for the protruding feature that the Germans created in the Allied lines.

Battle of the Bulge


One of these creatures was the son of Philyra [[FIH-luh-ruh]] and Cronus, as well as the tutor of Achilles. Another one of these creatures gave Deianira [[dee-uh-NEE-ruh]] a shirt poisoned with Hydra blood to kill Heracles and was named Nessus. The teacher Chiron [[KYErun]] was, for the point, what type of mythical creature with the torso of a man and the body of a horse?

ANSWER: Centaur (accept Hippocentaur)


This president’s group of advisers were dubbed “eight millionaires and a plumber’. This man claimed that the “new language is the language of atomic warfare” in his “Atoms for Peace” speech. Construction of the Interstate Highway System began during the presidency of this man who twice defeated Adlai Stevenson for the post. This first Supreme Allied Commander of NATO succeeded Harry Truman after his popularity grew as a general during World War II. For the point, name this president during much of the 1950s.

Dwight D. Eisenhower


One archaeological site in this country was known as KV62, and that site was contained within this country's Valley of the Kings. Abu Simbel and the Karnak Temple are located in this country where a large sandstone monument depicts the pharaoh Khafre. For the point, identify this country whose landmarks include the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Giza



This man, sometimes known as “the lucky,” had multiple conflicts with people called Skraelings. In 2000, Gunnar Eggertsson used the replica ship Islendingur to repeat a journey made by this man, a thousand years after this man established the settlement of L’Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland. For the point, name this son of a man called “the Red,” a Viking explorer.

Leif Erikson


This man defeated British forces at the Battle of Monmouth. In 1754, this man surrendered at Fort Necessity as part of the French and Indian War in which he attainted the rank colonel of the Virginia regiment. This man assigned Baron von Steuben to train his troops at Valley Forge. For the point, name this man who defeated General Cornwallis at the Battle of Yorktown, the first President of the United States.

George Washington


An army in this battle used a series of fake retreats to goad its opponents off Senlac Hill. This battle, depicted on the (+) Bayeux [["BYE"-yoo]] Tapestry, was part of succession crisis following the death of Edward the Confessor and took place the month after a Norwegian defeat at Stamford Bridge. An arrow to the eye caused the death of (*) Harold Godwinson at, for the points, what victory for

William the Conqueror during the 1066 Norman conquest?

Battle of Hastings


 In one story, this god fathered Theseus with Aethra after she walked to Sphairia. Odysseus was punished by this god for blinding the cyclops Polyphemus. With Medusa, this god fathered Chrysaor and the winged-horse Pegasus. This god was referred to as Earthshaker due to his ability to create earthquakes with his trident. For the point, name this Greek god of the sea.



In one election, this politician won the greatest number of electoral votes for a Democrat since Franklin Roosevelt. This president successfully ran against Barry Goldwater, but did not seek re-election in 1968 due to his escalation of the Vietnam War. in 1964 this president championed the war on poverty, Medicare and Medicaid, funding for public schools and environmental protection, department of housing, urban development, and transportation. Jacqueline Onassis attended the inauguration of, for the point, what president who succeeded JFK?

Lyndon B. Johnson


. Horemheb was appointed “lord of the land” by this man who was the son of an individual known as the Younger Lady. The original name of this figure translates to “Living Image of Aten.” Lord Carnarvon funded an effort by Howard Carter in the Valley of the Kings that resulted in the excavation of the remains of this emperor. Beginning his reign at the age of nine, for ten points, name this boy Pharaoh whose tomb was found in Egypt.

King Tutankhamun


This god owns a pair of beasts named “Toothgnasher” and “Toothgrinder.” In one incident, a trickster stole the hair of this god’s wife and was forced to find golden hair to replace it. This husband of Sif will kill the Midgard Serpent before stumbling 9 steps and dying during Ragnarok. For the point, name this son of Jord and Odin, the wielder of the hammer Mjolnir and the Norse god of thunder.



The Sicilian Expedition was part of this conflict in which Lysander destroyed one side’s navy. The Peace of Nicias ended this war in which a plague affected a city-state ruled by Pericles. Lasting from 431 to 404 BC on a namesake peninsula. For the point, name this conflict between Athens and Sparta.

Peloponnesian War


One side in this battle was affected by the defection of Quintus Dellius. William Dalrymple once asked if the outcome of this battle would have been different if a certain figure's "nose had been one inch longer." (+) The city of Nicopolis was founded after this battle, which led the victor to adopt the title of princeps. Marcus Agrippa (*) commanded forces on behalf of the victor at, for the points, what 31 B.C. naval battle won by forces loyal to Octavian?

Battle of Actium


Philo of Alexandria was part of an embassy to the court of this emperor, who may have beeninspired by Xerxes [[ZERK-seez]] to build a floating bridge from Puteoli to Baiae [[BY-ay]]. Drusilla(+) was the sister of this emperor, who was fathered by Germanicus. A small type of boot provided the nickname of this emperor, who came to power in 37 AD as the successor to (*) Tiberius. For the points, name this third Roman emperor who is remembered for attempting to make his horse a consul.



Herman Mynter provided the first diagnosis in response to this event, whose perpetrator had been influenced by Emma Goldman and other anarchists. A “Safety Automatic” revolver was used to carry out this event inside the Temple of Music. Leon Czolgosz [CHOLE-gosh] carried out this event that occurred during the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. For the point name this 1901 event that ended the life of an American president.

Assassination of McKinley


This man commissioned the Abu Simbel temples, which were moved in the 20th century to make way for the Aswan Dam. In one battle, this man defeated Muwatalli II on the Orontes River. This man signed the world’s first peace treaty after winning the largest ever chariot battle against the Hittites. For the point, name this Egyptian pharaoh who won the Battle of Kadesh.

Ramses II (or Ramses the Great; accept Ozymandias; prompt on Ramses)


This object is used to revive a pair of goats with names meaning "tooth grinder" and "tooth gnasher”, and it was given to Magni and Modi following Ragnarok. This object was made with a shortened handle after Loki turned into a gadfly and bit the dwarves Eitri and Brokkr. For the point, name this mythological hammer used by Thor.

Mjölnir [[MYUHL-neer]]


During this campaign, a march led by John of Gaunt resulted in the death of 15,000 horses. John Talbot was sent to Gascony in the final phase of this war but was defeated soon after at Castillon. One side in this conflict was bolstered by a victory at Orl ́eans due to the intervention of Joan of Arc. For the point, name this over 116 year long conflict between the British and French.

Hundred Years War


The name for this event was popularized by a 1957 film starring Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas. The Harwood house was a key location in this event, which occurred near a photography studio on Fremont Street rather than the namesake enclosure. Ike Clanton and (+) Frank McLaury were among the participants in this event, which may have begun when a deputy marshal ordered cowboys to surrender their arms. Wyatt (*) Earp participated in, for the points, what brief, but legendary firefight that took place in the city of Tombstone?

Battle at the OK Corral


During one event, this figure rode the horse Buraq to Jerusalem, which resulted in this figure being transported to heaven during the Night Journey. This religious figure fled to the city of Medina, and was told to “Recite!” at Mount Hira. This native of Mecca was visited by the angel Jibreel, who revealed a religious text to him. For the point, name this founder of Islam who received the Qur’an.



A member of this family was hidden away at St. Coletta after receiving a failed lobotomy ordered by her father. Mary Jo Kapechne died in an accident at Chappaquiddick while with a member of this family. A politician from this family was assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan while participating in the Election of 1968. For the point, name this powerful Massachusetts family that included Rosemary, Ted, Robert, and John Fitzgerald.



This god had one of his eyes gouged out and repaired, which explains why the moon is dimmer than the sun. This god painted a wooden boat to look like a rock in order to win a stone boat race. Pharaohs claimed to be incarnations of this god, who was symbolized by the Wadjet eye. For the point, name this rival of Set, the son of Isis and Osiris, and god of kings.



This unfathomable large sea creature named Jormungandr is one of Loki's three children. This serpent dwells in the world sea and circles the earth. This creature releasing its tail is a sign of the beginning of Ragnarok. 

The Midgard Serpent


The length of this war prompted the “snowball riot” in Trafalgar Square. While working at the Selimiye Barracks in this war, Florence Nightingale became known as the “Lady with the Lamp.” Due to a miscommunication, the Light Brigade charged into Russian cannons during this war’s battle of Balaclava. The Siege of Sevastopol occurred in, for the point, what war named for a Russian peninsula on the Black Sea?

Crimean War


This battle’s outcome resulted in civilians undergoing the “Runaway Scrape” to avoid being massacred. William Travis drew a line in the sand in the prelude to this battle. Those lost at this battle were honored with a cry to remember “this battle” during Santa Anna’s defeat at San Jacinto. Davy Crockett and James Bowie died at, for the point, what 1836 fight over a mission in the Texas Revolution?

Battle of the Alamo


Frank Calvert's initial excavations at this site inspired another archaeologist to dig a trench through the mound of Hisarlik and locate "Priam's Treasure." This city located in modern Turkey near the Dardanelles was the subject of a war that began when Paris abducted Helen. For the point, name this ancient city that was depicted in the Iliad and destroyed by warriors from inside a wooden horse.



Minutes after this president entered office, the Iran Hostage Crisis ended through the Algiers Accords. George H.W. Bush served as this man's vice president for both of his terms, and this president names an airport that serves the Washington, D.C. area. For the point, name this conservative president and former actor who was shot by John Hinckley Jr.

Ronald Reagan


This city was the capital of Egypt’s Ptolemaic Empire. Cleopatra ordered the construction of the Caesareum in this city, a temple built to venerate the title Roman dictator.Founded by Alexander the Great in 331 B.C.E. The city was known for its massive library, as well as its Pharos lighthouse, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.



During this conflict, both sides fought the “War of Flags” in an attempt to maximize territorial gain before the Paris Peace Accords came into effect. Walter Cronkite’s harsh reporting on the Tet Offensive destroyed public support for this war. The United States used Agent Orange in this conflict. Richard Nixon slowly withdrew from, for the point, what Southeast Asian war that ended with the 1975 fall of Saigon?

Vietnam War


Operation Overlord was the codename for this Battle, The Allied operation launched the successful liberation of German-occupied Western Europe during WWII. Nearly 160,000 troops crossed the English Channel on June 6th 1944, also known as D-Day.

Battle of Normandy


 On a campaign with Edward Braddock, this general allegedly had two horses shot from under him and four bullets lodged in his coat. This general surrendered Fort Necessity to the French prior to the start of the French and Indian War, and led a rout of Hessian mercenaries after crossing the Delaware River in the Battle of Trenton. For the point, name this commander of the Continental Army during the American Revolution.

George Washington


This man won a Nobel Prize for his efforts in helping end the Russo-Japanese War. This president heroically fought at the Battle of San Juan Hill as the leader of the Rough Riders during the Spanish- American War. Known for his “trust-busting” policies, for the point, name this president whose relative Franklin also became president.

Theodore Roosevelt


Masculine coinage of this ruler exists from her time in exile in the Syrian Levant. This ruler ordered the construction of the Caesareum in Alexandria, a temple built to venerate the title Roman dictator. This ruler, who legendarily died after letting herself get bit by an asp, lost the Battle of Actium with her lover Mark Antony. For the point, name this Queen of Egypt who had an affair with Julius Caesar.



One regiment active during this war was nicknamed Wood's Weary Walkers, but became better known as the Rough Riders. This war ceded the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico to the U.S. For the point, name this 1898 war with an Iberian power that began after the explosion of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor.

The Spanish-American War


A myth about this man says he yelled to the heavens proclaiming his greatness shortly before his horse, Altynzhal, ascended to heaven. The magister militum Flavius Aetius spent a year long exile in this man’s camp in 433, allowing Honorius III to later forge a treaty with him. This leader, who murdered his sibling and co-ruler Bleda, had an invasion of Gaul turned back at the Catalaunian Plains by an alliance of Visigoths and Romans. For ten points, name this “Scourge of God,” a king of the Hunnic people.

Atilla the Hun


The first Force Bill was passed under this man during his confrontation with South Carolina in the Nullification Crisis. This president's administration, which included the "Kitchen Cabinet," was plagued by the Petticoat Affair. For the point, name this U.S. president who signed the Indian Removal Act of 1830, beginning the Trail of Tears.

Andrew Jackson


An elite unit of soldiers that fought for this city was made up of 150 pairs of lovers and was known as its Sacred Band. With his victory at the Battle of Leuctra, Epaminondas helped this city-state break free of Spartan rule. A mythical king of this city allegedly solved the Riddle of the Sphinx. Sharing its name with an Egyptian city, for the point, name this Greek city-state once thought to have been ruled by Oedipus.
