This beast looks like a giant humanoid octopus
What is Cthulhu?
This meme made in 2012 says u this expression
What is mad?
This film in 2019 was a climax to the marvel universe
What is Avengers Endgame?
This is the capital of Maryland
What is Washington D.C?
This tool is used to pound in screws
What are hammers?
This beast had the body of an lion but the head of an eagle
What is a Griffon?
This meme in 2019 stars this type of man
What is Florida man?
This film in 2019 stars this creepy doll
What is Annabelle?
This is the capital of Tennessee
What is Nashville?
This type of tool come in different types of heads
What are screwdrivers
This beast is this type of giant
What is a cyclops?
This meme in 2021 is this type of damage
What is emotional damage?
This marvel film in 2021 is based around rings
What is Shang Chi and the legend of the ten rings?
This is the capital of Japan
What is Tokyo?
This tool is handheld to screw in screws faster
What are power drills?
This type of beast has a lion body but this time a human head
What are Sphinx's?
This meme in 2021 is the name of a frog
What is Pepe?
This sequel in 2018 has Paul Rudd as the hero
What is Ant-Man and the Wasp?
This is the capital of Brazil
What is Brasilla?
This type of tape sounds like an animal name
What is duct tape?
This beast looks like a humanoid bull
What is the Minotaur?
This meme in 2007 stars a baby
What is Success Kid?
This marvel movie takes place in 1942
What is Captain America the first Avenger?
This is the capital of Argentina
What is Buenos Aires?
This type of knife is used as a tool
What is a utility knife?