Great at math and wants to learn to read
Who is Zero?
nickname was mom
Who was Mr Pendansky?
Everyone loved Katerthine (Kate) when she was the town's
what is schoolteacher?
number of sets of clothes
What was two?
accused of stealing
What were sneakers?
The leader and the bully
Who I Leroy?
Everyone, including the counselors, was afraid of her
Who was the Warden?
Everyone hated Kate when someone saw her
What was kissing Onion Sam?
Stanley's campsite was Letter
What was Letter D?
taught him how to read
Who was Zero?
Has yellow hair that stand out every which way
Who is ZigZag?
Got scratched by the Warden
Who was Mr. Sir?
Onion Sam was killed by the townsmen because he was
what is a black man who kissed a white lady?
Showers were limited to ___ minutes
What was two minutes?
Body described as
What is overweight?
Hispanic boy who was at first nice to Stanley - sounds like he ought to be in a science experiment
Who is Magnet?
nicest counselor who often delivered water and meals and sometimes took them back to camp
Who was Mr. Pendansky or mom?
Onion Sam and Kate tried to escape in a row boat but this man caught them in his motor boat
Who was Trout Walker?
The boys slept on
What were cots?
Wrote letters to
Who were his parents?
Maybe this camper needs deodorant
Who is Armpit?
Ate sunflower seeds instead of smoking
Who was Mr. Sir?
Onion Sam's donkey
Who was Mary Lou?
The holes were measured across and vertically by the length of their
What were shovels?
Very slow at
What was digging holes?