Holes - persons
Holes - activities
Holes - questions
Solve the puzzle
Oversæt til Engelsk (grammar)

What is the first and last name of the main character? -  

His name is Stanley Yelnats?


Why is the main character sent to the camp? 

Because some people think he has stolen some  shoes.


Who has stolen some shoes from a famous sportsman?

Zero has stolen the shoes.


A man was walking in the rain without a coat and without an umbrella. He got soaked, but he didn't get wet hair.......why?


He was balled.


Drengene spillede basket

The boys played basket


What is the main character's nickname? 

He is called Caveman


What does the main character find in a hole?

- two things

First he finds an old stone. Later he finds an old lipstick.


The main charackter and the little boy helps each other. How?

The main character teaches the little boy to read, and the small boy helps him with the digging.


There are three houses. One is red, one is blue and one is white. If the red house is to the left of the house in the middle, and the blue house is to the right of the house in the middle, where’s The White House?

The White House is in US in  Washington DC


Det regner lige nu

It is raining


What is the name of the smallest boy at the camp?

- real name and nickname

He is called Zero. His real name is Hector.


What do one of the other boys steal from the car?

He steals sunflower seeds.


What did the teacher do after the school burned down the men killed her boyfriend ? 

first - and later ?

She kissed the sheriff and killed him. 

Later she stole a lot of money and gave a lot of men

the kiss of death.


A cowboy rode into town on Friday. He stayed in town for three days and rode back out on Friday. How is this possible?

rod = red

The horse was named Friday.


Jeg ser en gammel mand og en ung kvinde

I see an old man and a young woman.


What are the two men (the bosses) called at the camp?

One of them is called Mister Sir and the other man is called Mum or Mister Pedanski.


What was in the suitcase and who did it belong to?

The suitcase belonged to the great grand father. 

Inside the suitcase are 


There are two dangerous animals in the camp. Which ones?

The two different animals are snakes and a (yellow spottet) lizard.


Billy’s mother had five children. The first was named Lala, the second was named Lele, the third was named Lili, the fourth was named Lolo. What was the fifth child named?

The fifth is named Billy



Pigernes mor er glad

The girls' mother is happy


Who gave the main charackter's family bad luck ?


The family has bad luck because the great grandfather forgot his promise to a fortune teller.


How do the main character and his friend survive alone? 

What do they eat and drink? - 

where does the food come from?

They eat onions.

The onion was planted by his great grandfather. They also drink sploosh (from peaches). It takes the bad taste.  


What does the father want to invent? 

What is the result? ...... with which ingredients. 

He wants to invent shoes, which don't smell.

He is succesfull. He uses onions and peaches.


 It’s as light as a feather, but the strongest person can’t hold it for more than five minutes. What is it?

You can't hold your breath.


Drengen stjal et par sko

The boy stole a pair of shoes.