Who is the Author of the book Holes.
Louis Sachar
Quien es el Cavernicola?
Stanley Yeltnats
What did the farmer Sam sell?
He sold sweet onions.
What was the problem that caused Stanley to go to Camp Green Lake?
Because his great great grandfather was cursed by a woman named Madame Zeroni then she cursed all of the Stanley generations.
True or false
Zeros real name is Zero.
Why doesn't anyone try to escape Camp Green Lake.
Because for hours it is desert and there will be so water or food.
A que se dedia el Padre de Stanley?
What did Sam call his onions?
He called it Vidalia.
What was the problem with Stanley in Camp Green Lake?
The problem was he was framed.
True or false
Stanley was Framed
What was the Deadly Ingredient in The warden's nail polish?
It was rattlesnake venom
Quien es Kate Barlow?
Kate Barlow was a teacher before the love of her life died from being hunted down then she became a bandit because of what happened to her love.
Explain the story of Stanley's Father
Stanley's father is an inventor who is trying to make a cure to feet odor by making different mixture's but it always fails due to his great 'no-good-dirty-rotten-pig- great grandfather who stole a pig from someone.
In the hole when Stanley and Zero were with the Green lizards, how did they survive?
They ate so many onions it caused a positive feedback
True or false
In the holes movie Stanley and Zero once were sleeping then woke up to see Green lizards.
Who was Stanley's Grandfather and How did he get cursed?
Stanley's Grandfather was lazy and did not bring Madame Zeroni up the hill so she cursed all of the Stanley generations.
Who is Hector Zeroni?
Hector Is the great great great grandson of his ancestor Madame Zeroni.
How did Hector or Zero survive went he escaped Camp Green Lake?
He went scavenging for food and found Kate Barlow's Peaches.
How does Zero or Hector learn how to read and write?
Zero steps upon Stanley writing a letter to his mom and asking him somehow without talking so Stanley refuses at first but then he agrees.
True or false
Dr Pendanski has a Doctors Degree
False. He is a fraud.
How was Hector sent to Camp Green Lake?
Quien fue el Amor de Toda la vida de Kate?
Fue Sam, El granjero africo-americano.
Who threw the shoe at Stanley before he was caught and framed?
It was Zero who threw it or Hector.
How does Stanley's bad luck get resolved?
He takes Hector up a hill and made Hector drink from the stream because Hector was an ancestor of Madame Zeroni.
The warden was not arrested
False. They were all arrested except for the kids at the end of the story.