What word has the following definition: to search untidily through something.
What words would you use to describe Sam?
Cheerful and Generous
How does Stanley break the curse
He carries Zero up the mountain, helps him drink from the water, and sings the song to him.
What food do Stanley and Zero live off of when they are on God's Thumb?
What part of speech is the word mirage?
What word has the meaning unable to be explained
How did Katherine Barlow die?
She is bitten by a yellow spotted lizard
How does the curse break to help out Stanley's dad?
His dad was able to find a cure for stinky feet
Why does Zero run away from camp?
He hits Mr. Pendanski with a shovel
What part of speech is the word tedious?
What do Zero and Stanley find in the desert that is connected to Sam?
Mary Lou the boat
Stanley's lawyer
A little less than 1 million
What is a synonym of the word hazy?
requiring or using alot effort/strength
Lizards do not like onions so eating/drinking onions will keep them from biting you.
How are Stanley and Zero connected before they both end up at Camp Green Lake?
What does Zero do that helps Stanley get up the mountain?
He hurts his hands by holding the shovel while Stanley climbs up
What is an antonym of the word precarious?
What is the definition of delirious
unable to to think or speak clearly due to being sick or mental confusion.
How are Katherine and Stanley connected?
Katherine robbed Stanley Yelnats the first and buried his suitcase with the treasure in it
He hires a private investigator to look for his mother
Mr. Pendanski erased Zero's files on the computer so the lawyer decides he isn't in thier care anymore and can take him home.
What is one possible theme of the book?
Treat people you want to be treated, don't judge a book by it's cover, equality, never give up or think you are not good enough, etc.