Interesting Stuff
Main Ideas
How is Trout Walker like his new boat?
They are both loud, smelly, and obnoxious.
Zero stared at him with __________________________________ eyes.
What is penetrating?
How did Kate Barlow die?
She was bitten by a yellow-spotted lizard!
Which words from the text led us to infer that Dr. Hawthorn also used Sam’s concoctions?
“Doc Hawthorn was almost completely bald, and in the morning his head often smelled like onions.”
Stanley could see the muscles on his face jump and twitch. His body _______________________________ in agony.
What is writhed?
What is unique and scary about the Warden’s finger nail polish?
It is made with rattlesnake venom!
What is Zero’s real name and how is this significant to the story?
Hector Zeroni, and we made the guess that he is a descendant of Madam Zeroni the one-legged gypsy.
What happened to the town of Green Lake after Sam was killed?
It quit raining.
What evidence from the text led us to guess that Zero was good at math?
He figured out how many letters were in the alphabet and how many days it would take to learn them. He did this quickly.
What was causing the other boys to be angry with Stanley?
Zero was digging Stanley's holes.
Why did Trout Walker get angry with Kate Barlow when she said no to his request for date?
He had always gotten everything he ever wanted. He was not used to people saying no to him.
Why do you think the author took the time to describe Linda Walker to us?
So we could figure out that this description and the one of the Warden are a lot alike. Perhaps they are related!
Who led the townspeople in destroying the school house and why?
Trout Walker, because he was jealous of Sam and Kate
Why did we infer that Zero dug Stanley’s hole in Chapter 21?
His hole was a lot smaller than all the other boys' holes when Stanley returned. Zero was always the first one done so this was weird.
What happened to Kathryn Barlow after Sam was killed?
She went crazy and turned into an outlaw.
Why did Mr. Sir pour Stanley’s water on the ground instead of filling his canteen?
He was angry with Stanley over the sunflower seeds and what the Warden did.
For a second, he thought he saw a flash of _________________________________________ in Zero’s eyes, but then it passed.
What is defiance?
Why could Sam the Onion Man not attend school?
Sam was a black man and 110 years ago schools were segregated, meaning that blacks and whites weren’t allowed in the same schools, churches, theaters, etc.
What can we infer about Stanley from the following text? “His muscles and hands weren’t the only parts of his body that had toughened over the past several weeks. His heart had hardened as well.”
Stanley was less sensitive and didn't care about others as much as he once did.
What are Linda and Trout Walker looking for and why?
Kate Barlow's loot (treasure)
What could be a reason that Kathryn fell in love with Sam?
He liked poetry and they talked while he fixed up the school house
Stanley finally agrees to teach Zero to read. Why does Stanley change his mind and what agreement do the two boys reach?
Zero is kind to Stanley, and acknowledges what he did in taking the blame for the sunflower seeds. Zero also lets Stanley know that Stanley didn't steal the shoes. Stanley will teach Zero to read for an hour, and Zero will dig for Stanley for an hour.
Does Stanley get punished over the sunflower seeds?
Yes, by punishing Mr. Sir, the Warden also punishes Stanley. This is because Mr. Sir is angry and takes it out on Stanley.
What could be the reason Stanley took the blame for stealing the sunflower seeds?
Stanley wanted the boys to continue to think he was a good guy, and he didn’t want to have to tell on Magnet
On pg 86 the author used the phrase “what else was new” to describe Stanley’s situation of being the wrong place at the wrong time. How can we relate this to something else that happened in Stanley’s life?
This takes us back to how Stanley got arrested. The shoes just fell on his head, but no one would believe it. Much like the sunflowers just spilled and fell into his hole.