Chapters 1-10
Chapters 11-20
Chapters 21-30
Chapters 31-40
Chapters 41-50

Which is the worst to get bitten by? A scorpion, rattlesnake, or yellow-spotted lizard?

Yellow-spotted lizard


What discussion does Mr. Pendanski have the boys talking about?

What they want to do with their lives once they leave Camp Green Lake


What would make a rattlesnake more dangerous?

The rattlesnake would be a lot more dangerous if it didn't have a rattle.


True/False: In chapter 31 Stanley knew exactly where Zero was and knew how to find him?



What did Zero say he pretended he use to be?

A cub scout


True/False: Stanley is NOT from a poor family?



When Stanley finds the gold tube he describes it as being "hard and metallic." What figurative language device is this?



110 years ago in Green Lake, it was a small town with many people. Kate Barlow, also known as Miss Katherine had a job. What job did Miss Katherine have?



What object did Stanley come across in the dry lake after running away from the camp?

A boat that was half-buried in the dirt.


"It was like a giant sundial." What is this simile describing?

The Big Thumb part of the mountain.


We learn that all the boys at Camp Green Lake have nicknames. But Mr. Pendanski chooses to call them by their real names. Why does he choose to use their real names?

Because those are the names that society will recognize them by when they return to become useful and hardworking members of society."


Why doesn't X-Ray want to talk about the gold tube at breakfast?

Because he was afraid the Warden might be listening.


Sam the Onion Man made many things from onions to help improve people's health. What are 3 that are mentioned?

1. One cured asthma. 2. One was for warts and pimples. 3. Another was a remedy for arthritis.


When Stanley finds Zero, they look at a mountain off in the distance. Stanley asks Zero, "What does it look like to you? Does it look like anything?" What is Zero's response?

His right hand slowly formed into a fist. He raised his thumb.


Why didn't the jars of water break when Stanley dropped them?

The onions had protected them, like Styrofoam packing material.


Stanley's great-great-grandfather was named Elya Yelnats. Where was he born?



Stanley's mom writes him a letter. Why does she say the owner of their apartment is threatening to kick them out (evict)?

Because of the odor (bad smell) from Stanley's Dad's sneaker project.


Why did Miss Katherine shoot and kill the sheriff?

Because the people of the town killed Sam the Onion Man and his donkey Mary Lou. Also, he did nothing to stop them or help Sam or Mary Lou.


In chapter 38, Stanley uses a simile to describe the Big Thumb of the mountain. What is the simile?

It was as if the rock had absorbed his energy and now acted like a kind of giant magnet pulling him toward it.


Why did Stanley have to force himself to suppress a scream?

Because he was standing in a lizard nest. 


After digging holes all day Stanley sees 2 boys playing pool. What is the metaphor he uses to describe the table?

The surface of the table reminded Stanley of the surface of the lake. It was full of bumps and holes because so many people had carved their initials into the felt.


What is "unclear" about how and why Mr. Sir's sunflower seeds spilled?

It's unclear whether the seeds spilled before they got to Stanley or after he dropped the bag. It seemed to him that Zigzag hadn't rolled up the top before throwing it, and that was the reason he didn't catch it.


Why were Trout Walker and Linda desperate for Kate Barlow/Miss Katherine to find the money she stole from the banks?

Because the drought dried up the lake and it's all gone. The peach trees. They lost all their money.


What does Mrs. Tennyson say to Sam the Onion Man about why Dr. Hawthorn is a bad doctor?

That quack wanted to put leeches on her stomach! Leeches! My word! He said they would suck out the bad blood.


While sitting in the hole and surrounded by yellow-spotted lizards, Stanley lets his thoughts go somewhere else. Where do his thoughts go?

His brain took him back to a time when he was very little, all bundled up in a snowsuit.