Depth of the hole the boys had to dig
What is 6 feet?
Stanley Yelnats' father's name.
What is Stanley Yelnats?
This character has been at camp the longest.
Who is X-Ray?
Keep your distance from this deadly reptile
What is the yellow-spotted lizard?
Name a character trait of Stanley.
Unlucky, bullied, heavy, etc.
Camp Green Lake was a camp for _____ ________.
What are bad boys?
Who is Stanley Yelnats?
This character sold the best onions.
Who is Sam?
Who purposely got bit by a rattlesnake?
Who is Barf Bag?
Why didn't the lizards bite Stanley and Zero?
Because they had onion blood/they smelled like onions.
Distance of the nearest water.
What is 100 miles?
Stanley refers to his great-great grandfather as this nickname.
What is my no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather?
One big camp rule is to not upset this character
Who is the Warden?
These snakes can be found at Camp Green Lake.
What are rattlesnakes?
What is another name for ancestors?
What is descendants?
This tool was used for measurements.
What is a shovel?
This is the name of Stanley's father's foot product.
What is Sploosh?
This is Stanley's camp nickname.
What is Caveman?
These predatory arachnids with eight legs and a pair of pincers can be found at Camp Green Lake.
What are scorpions?
What is it called when a good reader makes a guess about what is to come next in the book?
What is a prediction?
Each boy had this many changes of clothes.
What are two?
These characters had awful luck, but still remained hopeful
Who are all the Stanley Yelnatses?
This character's real name is Hector.
Who is Zero?
How many spots can be found on a yellow spotted lizard?
What are 11?
What is the name of the lawyer who works for the state?
Who is the AG (Attorney General)?