Plot I
Plot II
Who said it?

Before she became a famous outlaw, what name did Kissin Kate Barlow go by,  and what was her profession? 

She went by Miss Katherine, and she was a teacher 


What do Stanley, Stanley's father, grandfather and great grandfather all have in common?

They're all named Stanley Yelnats 


Why are there no electric fences at Camp Green Lake?

Answers to the effect of:

-There is no water for 100 miles

-Camp Greenlake is in the middle of nowhere...



Where did Stanley find Clyde Livingston's sneakers?

They fell on top of him/ under a bridge 


"I need the break so I'll have the energy to ' teach him. I'm the one who took the blame for the sunflower seeds."

Stanley about Zero


Which character said "I want you to carry me up the mountain."

Madam Zeroni 


What is ironic about the nick-name X-Ray ?

Rex (X-ray) is practically blind 

Why did people in Green Lake suddenly stop attending school ?

Because it was discovered that Katherine (Kate) Kissed Sam (and he was black)


The family's bad luck struck Stanley's great-grandfather (The son of Elya) when he moved from New York to California and was robbed by whom?

Kissin' Kate Barlow 


"They're destroying the schoolhouse," she said, gasping for breath. "They'll burn it to the ground if someone doesn't stop them!"

Miss Katherine (Kate Barlow)

What is Zero's real name?

Hector Zeroni


In the text, Mr. Pendanski exudes cheerfulness towards the boys while at the same time continually displaying small cruelties. This  can be seen as the signpost ______________________________________.

Contrast and contradiction 


Three days after Sam's death, what did Miss Katherine do?

Miss Katherine shot the sheriff while he was sitting in his chair drinking a cup of coffee. Then she carefully applied a fresh coat of red lipstick and gave him the kiss he had asked for.


How do we know that Kissin' Kate Barlow did not kiss Stanley's great grandfather?

Because she only kissed the men she killed.


"You kissed the onion picker. Why won't you kiss me?" said by ____________ to ________________.

The Sheriff  to Miss Katherine (Kate Barlow)


Elya Yelnats wants to marry _____ .

Mayra Menke


Who found  a small gold tube with a heart engraved on it.  ? Did he keep it, or did he give it to someone else?

Stanley; he gave it to X - Ray 

What was the alleged point behind digging holes?

To build character 


When Stanley is digging his second hole, what does he find?

He finds the fossil of a fish 


"You've got exactly ten seconds to tell me where you've hidden your loot [...]Or else I'll blow your head off." Said by ___________ to ______________.

Said by Trout Walker to  Kate Barlow 


Stanley and his family always seem to be at the wrong place at the wrong time and they blame their bad luck on whom?

Stanley's no-good-dirty-rotten- pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather. This great-great-grandfather


How is the way that both X-Ray and the Warden maintain power in the camp? How do their methods differ?

X ray has a system of rewards for those who support him.Like X-Ray's system, the Warden uses punishments and rewards to keep order.

The Warden has hidden cameras and microphones allow her complete control over the boys. 


How did Kate Barlow die ?

Trout and Linda came to her house to try to get Kate to tell them where the treasures were. They dragged her outside to get her to dig. A lizard bit Kate's leg.  


Who discovered Miss Katherine (Kate Barlow) and Sam kissing?

Hattie Parker 


who said “It’s only toxic while it’s wet.”, and what was she talking about?

The Warden, talking about her nail polish