True or false: The Song "Jingle Bells" was written specifically for Christmas?
False - Thanksgiving
What were Frosty the Snowman’s first words?
“Happy birthday!”
The day after Christmas is a holiday in some countries and is known by what name?
Boxing Day
What do you leave out for reindeer?
Carrots and Oats
What country first invented eggnog?
United Kingdom/Britain
The Dreidel song is assoicated with what holiday?
Which department store was featured in the film Miracle on 34th Street?
The Christmas Tree originated in Germany. Which British monarch is considered responsible for popularising its use throughout the Empire?
Queen Victoria
What is the candle holder for Hanukkah called?
How many Home Alone movies are there?
What song is the best-selling Christmas song by a female artist and one of the best-selling singles of all time?
All I Want for Christmas Is You - Mariah Carey
What’s the name of the guardian angel who takes George Bailey on his journey in It's a Wonderful Life?
What is the Yiddish word for “spinning top,” as played on Hanukkah?
What is the season in South Africa during Christmas?
The "Christmas truce", a brief period when an unofficial cease-fire occurred between opposing forces, took place during what war?
A. World War II
B. World War I
C. Korean War
D. American Revolutionary War
World War I
What language was the Christmas Carol, "Silent Night" originally written in?
Where does the 1942 film Holiday Inn take place?
Midville, Connecticut
When was the first New Year’s Eve ball drop?
True or False: In the country of Greece, it is St. Peter, as opposed to St. Nicholas, that is most often associated with Christmas.
The country with the largest export of Christmas trees?
B. Canada
C. Denmark
D. Germany
What well-known Christmas carol became the first song ever broadcast from space in 1965?
Jingle Bells
In 'White Christmas' what was missing when Bob, Judy, Betty, and Phil arrived in Vermont?
How many packages does USPS deliver during the holidays?
A. 20 Million
B. 13.2 Million
C. 800 Million
D. 70 Million
800 million
Dominick the Donkey is a well-known Christmas character in which of the following countries?
A. Jordan
B. Norway
C. Italy
D. Argentina
True or False: For a period after Independence, Americans turned their backs on Christmas, due to its inherently British associations.