This tissue type increases in concentration after Santa fills up on Christmas cookies
Dasher notices this Christmas that Rudolphs nose looked more grey than red indicating he may have this condition
color blindness/red-green color blindness
The holidays are filled with delicious sweets and treats we can enjoy from the sweet to the sour, the salty and the bitter thanks in part to these nerves
Cranial Nerves VII and IX
These long bones in the hands of the human body are comparable to the bones that help elves craft toys with precision and agility
phalanges (also accepted: radius and ulna)
Santa's elves' are working hard to finish up the toys for Christmas resulting in these cardiovascular changes
increased HR and increased BP
Also accepted: Increased CO
Santa can't quite hear Mrs. Claus so well anymore and it continues to get worse year after year meaning he is likely to have
The reindeer are tired after a long night's work and need to rest. This part of the nervous system is most active when sleeping.
Parasympathetic ("Rest & Digest")
This type of metabolism refers to the breakdown of candy canes, gum drops, or otherwise sugary treats
Winter months can be cold and dark resulting in a decrease in this essential vitamin important in bone health and immunity
vitamin D
Common ingredients in holiday foods like excessive salt, sugar, and saturated fats can lead to an increased buildup of plaque in vessels
Coronary artery disease (CAD); also accepted: atherosclerosis
What hormone is responsible for regulating sleep and wake cycles and could explain Santa's ability to travel around the world in one night?
The reindeer need this strong muscle group near the hips to pull Santa's heavy sled which are referred to in humans as
Gluteal muscles (Max, Med, Min)
Sugary candies tend to be lower in pH scale meaning they are
Ouch! One of the elves was removing cookies from the oven when he got burned on the stove. This sensation traveled toward the brain also known as
Santa is pumping the iron to get in shape for lifting the heavy presents stressing his cardiac output which is comprised of
As Santa's gotten older, he's noticed more difficulty balancing on the roof which may indicate he has
Comet has been hydrating with hot chocolate, but before flying all nights needs to make rest stop thanks to this structure responsible for filtration in the kidneys
Excessive consumption of hot cocoa, Christmas cookies, and other sugary treats can impact this organ which is responsible for producing insulin
The elves notice Grandma Claus doesn't move as quickly as she once did has to shuffle her steps to get around. This is commonly seen with this pathology
Parkinson's Disease (PD)
The reindeer need healthy hearts to when pulling Santa's heavy sleigh essentially working their heart muscles also known as the
Santa follows his nose which leads him to a plate of gingerbread cookies. This nerve is intact
Olfactory nerve
Santa's reindeer are having a hard time seeing at night after all these years of hauling the sleigh. In humans we might refer to this as
The holidays are filled with delicious sweets and treats we can enjoy from the sweet to the sour, the salty and the bitter thanks in part to these nerves
Cranial nerves VII and IX
Santa's elves have been loading up presents into the sleigh resulting in hypertrophy of this muscle type
Skeletal Muscle
Santa's reindeer got into too many Christmas cookies making their hearts beat faster. The electrical conductivity causing this begins with
SA node (sinoatrial node)