Christmas Traditions
Winter Holidays
12 Days of Christmas
Jingle Bell "Rock"
All of the Other Rein "Deer"

That's not a sock puppet! These items are historically used to store Christmas goodies such as candy and other small gifts.

What are stockings?


This holiday is typically marked with resolutions to improve one's self. I know a LOT of people looking forward to this day, to put 2020 behind them for good.

What is New Year's Day?


Oui oui! Parlez-vous francais? On the third day of Christmas, you might a translator from Paris to help you communicate with this gift. 

What are three French hens?


Vermont: The Green Mountain State.
California: The Golden State.
New Hampshire: The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State

What is granite.


I still can't believe Disney did this deer's mother like that. Rest in peace to this deer's mom, who was shot by a hunter. 

Who is Bambi?


This family of trees is the traditional family utilized as Christmas trees: Lean, mean, and...

What are evergreens?


Celebrated for eight nights and eight days, this holiday features the lighting of the Menorah. Let's get litty.

What is Hanukkah?


Is that a reptile? Or is that a bird? Or is that both? On the second day of Christmas, you'll have to see for yourself with this gift. 

What are two turtledoves?


This is the traditional "gift" that Santa gives to naughty children on Christmas.

What is coal?

This moose was Rocky the squirrel's partner. 

Who is Bullwinkle?

A rich, chilled, sweetened, dairy-based beverage traditionally served during the Christmas season.

What is eggnog?


The shortest day of the year, this holiday was observed yesterday, December 21st.

What is the Winter Solstice?


Shout out Kobe Bryant! The late NBA superstar, a five-time champion, probably enjoyed this fifth day of Christmas gift, to go along with his championship trophies.

What are five golden rings?


If you smellllllllll... what the Rock... is cookin'. You'll get 600 points if you tell me the real name of the Rock. (No, he's not related to Magic or Lyndon B.)

Who is Dwayne Johnson?


The largest member of the deer family--also Mr. Karugu's favorite animal.

What is a moose?


Starting December 1st, these calendars help to mark off the number of days until Christmas.

What are Advent Calendars?


French for "Fat Tuesday," this celebration takes place in New Orleans, and will next be celebrated on February 16, 2021. It rhymes with party, y'all.

What is Mardi Gras?


You better have your iPhone on you on the fourth day of Christmas. You might hear a lot of ringing, so be quick to pick up for this fourth day gift. 

What are four calling birds.


Whether you've lost yours, or you're eating the cake flavor named in it's honor, or have this surface for your counters in your kitchen, this rock comes in many different shapes and sizes.

What is marble?


Grandma got run over by a reindeer. Do you think Grandpa just let that slide? Grandpa found his shotgun and shot the deer. That night, grandpa cooked the deer and ate him. This is what you call edible deer meat. (Beef is cow meat.)

What is venison?


"He's making a list; he's checking it twice; he's gunna find out who's naughty or nice..." In Central European folklore, he's the guy who punishes misbehaving children come Christmastime.

Who is Krampus?

Based on ancient African harvest festivals, this holiday, meaning "First Fruits" in Swahili, is celebrated from December 26th to January 1st. 

What is Kwanzaa?

Is that the person I pay my apartment rent too jumping off a bridge? Is that Frodo Baggins, Gollum, and Sauron all jumping off a building? Is that Voldemort (excuse me, the "One Who Shall Not be Named") just jumping for joy? I can't think of  another 7 of these for the 10th day of Christmas gift.

What is 10 lords a-leaping?


In 1620, this rock has the distinction of being at the place that the Pilgrims arrived in with the Mayflower. 

What is Plymouth Rock?


This is another name for a Reindeer. There's also a town in Maine with this name. 

What is Caribou?