This is given on the 6th day of Christmas in The Twelve Days of Christmas song?
what is six geese a laying
A house that is edible
What is a Gingerbread house
Animated film about a train that carries kids to the North Pole
What is the polar Express
This many reindeer pull Santa's sleigh
What is 9 counting Rudolph
A one-horse open sleigh"
What is Jingle Bells
Kids leave this meal out for Santa on Christmas Eve
What are Milk and Cookies
"Miracle on 34th Street" centers on this department store
What is Macy's?
In Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol", Mr. Scrooge's first name
Who is Ebenezer
Click, click, click, down through the chimney...
what is Up on the Housetop
Famous Holiday plant that gets hung above heads
What is Mistletoe
Cindy Lou Who is from this Christmas movie
The Grinch
This popular miniature character who checks on kids for Santa is sometimes posed for memes
What is the Elf on a Shelf
... and a happy new year!
what is We wish you a merry christmas
Popular Holiday beverage, a cinnamon packed "milk punch"
what is eggnog
The source of Frosty's powers
What is his hat?
He won first prize in Charlie Brown's Christmas
Who is Snoopy?
"but do you recall....the most famous reindeer of all?"
what is Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
A gift exchange with a group of people where the givers are anonymous
What is a White elephant or Secret santa or Pollyanna?
The movie with a young boy, trying to escape robbers
what is Home Alone
According to "It's a Wonderful Life", this happens every time a bell rings
What is An angel gets its wings