Holiday Songs
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Holiday History

This gift is given on the 5th day of Christmas in "The Twelve Days of Christmas".

What are five golden rings?


This red and green leafed plant native to Central America is normally associated with Christmas.

What is a Poinsettia?


This reindeer has the same name as another holiday mascot.

Who is Cupid?


The single ornament on Charlie's tree in "A Charlie Brown Christmas" was this color. 

What is red?


What cereal does Frosty the Snowman eat?

What are frosted flakes?


Christmas Eve 1914 was this historic event. 

What was the World War I Christmas ceasefire?


In the song "Santa Baby", the singer asks Santa a convertible from this year.

What is 1954?


 In one oddball tradition, an ornament shaped like this food item is hidden on the Christmas tree.

What is a pickle?


This yuletide drink that originated in England, but America made popular by adding rum

What is Eggnog?


In the Movie Elf, Buddy the Elf and Jovie sing this song as a duet. 

What is "Baby it's Cold Outside?"


Where do snowmen keep their money?

What is a snow bank?


On June 24, 1870, this U.S. President signed a proclamation declaring December 25th a national holiday.

Who was Ulysses S. Grant?


In the song, "You're a Mean One Mr. Grinch" ___ is the length of the pole that nobody would touch the Grinch with.

What is 39 and a half feet?


This tradition, based on a 2005 book for children, involves a miniature character who checks on kids for Santa Claus.

What is Elf on the Shelf?


This city has the world's largest Hanukkah menorah.

What is New York City?


Instead of receiving cash as a holiday bonus in "National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation", Clark Griswold receives this sweet yet disappointing surprise.

What is a subscription to the Jelly of the Month club?


What is Santa's favorite candy?

What are Jolly Ranchers?


On December 16, 1965, a harmonica and bells were the first instruments played in space. Astronauts Wally Schirra and Tom Stafford used the instruments to play this Christmas song.

What is Jingle Bells?


In the song "Grandma got Runover by a Reindeer" this led to grandma getting runover. 

What is too much eggnog and she forgot her medication?


The popularity of this holiday tradition increased after the publication of a famous 1812 Brothers Grimm fairy tale.

What is decorating a gingerbread house?


These candle shaped Christmas decorations, popularized in the 1950s through 1970s, were commonly filled with poisonous methylene chloride. 

What are bubble lights?


In this 2004 Christmas movie based on a book, Tom Hanks plays six roles.

What is The Polar Express?


What do elves learn in Kindergarten?

What is the elfabet?


Wanting to capitalize on the success of the “Peanuts” comic strip, this beverage company commissioned “A Charlie Brown Christmas” as a holiday special in the mid-1960s.

What is Coca Cola?


This Christmas song was actually written for Thanksgiving.

What is Jingle Bells?


In this country, it is customary to eat 12 grapes at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve for good luck.

What is Spain?


The first artificial Christmas trees were made in Germany from this material.

What are goose feathers? 


This movie was the highest-grossing Christmas movie of all time.

What is The Grinch (2018 animated)?


What does the gingerbread man use to make his bed?

What are cookie sheets?


In 1939, this Christmas character was created for a free giveaway book at the Montgomery Ward department store.

Who is Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer?