"Winter" Wonderland
Deck the Halls
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!
Holiday Songs
Christmas Cuisine
It happens on or about December 21
What is Winter Solstice?
The Robot Hall of Fame honored this "Star Wars" character for his endearing "human foibles"
What is C-3P0?
Flat snow crystals generally have this many sides or arms
What is six?
"With a corncob pipe and a button nose and two eyes made out of coal"
What is Frosty the Snowman?
During the holidays, Winter White Chocolate is one of the most popular of this chain's "31 Flavors"
What is Baskin Robbins?
Varieties of this cereal crop include Kawvale & Blackhull
What is winter wheat?
The Ecology Hall of Fame cites him as "the first American president to take seriously the...protection of nature"
Who is Teddy Roosevelt?
The National Weather Service defines this as snowy winds of 35 mph with 1/4 mile visibility lasting for 3 hours
What is a blizzard?
"Come, they told me, pa rum pa pum pum; a newborn king to see, pa rum pum pum pum"
What is Little Drummer Boy?
In "We Wish You A Merry Christmas", carolers demand a "figgy" one & won't go until they get some
What is pudding?
Russian revolutionaries stormed it in November 1917
What is the winter palace?
This founder of the city of Quebec is in an Explorers' Hall of Fame online
What is Champlain?
Buffalo, New York is familiar with the snowstorm-causing effect named for this type of body of water
What is a lake effect?
"Where the treetops glisten and children listen, to hear sleigh bells in the snow"
What is White Christmas?
About 1.76 billion of these striped treats are sold in the U.S. every year; most of them are used for decoration
What is candy canes?
This 1935 Maxwell Anderson play was based in part on the Sacco & Vanzetti trial
What is winterset?
Now home to the National Women's Hall of Fame, this N.Y. city was the site of the USA's first Women's Rights Convention
What is Seneca Falls?
When air becomes "super" this adjective, relative humidity is above 100% & snow can form
What is supersaturated?
(Hi, I'm Art Alexakis of the rock group Everclear.) In a 1998 holiday ad for The Gap, my band did a rendition of this song about an alienated animal
What is Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer?
It's an English tradition to adorn this tusked animal's head with sprigs of bay, rosemary & little flags
What is a boar (or a pig)?
This plant, Gaultheria procumbens, produces an oil used in medicine & as a flavoring
What is wintergreen?
He was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame for his process of condensing milk
Who is (Gail) Borden?
Poli'ahu, the goddess of snow, lives on this highest Hawaiian mountain
What is Mauna Kea?
Bobby Helms charted (several times) with this song that mentions "Glidin' in a one-horse sleigh"
What is Jingle Bell Rock?
At Christmastime you might have a "burning" desire to make a buche de noel, a cake shaped like this
What is a yule log?