it is green and tall you also decorate it
what is a christmas tree?
you buy it at the store for trick or treaters
why do you buy candy?
you dye them different colors on easter
what do you sometimes do with hard boiled eggs?
you eat this on thanksgiving
when do you eat turkey?
it is frosted and has decoration
what is a cake
you buy it at a store and it is usually round and has string
what is an ornament?
you carve it into a jack o lantern
what do you do with pumpkins?
you look for these on easter
when do you use easter eggs?
you visit them on thanksgiving
when is one time you see your cousins?
you get these colored objects at the store
what is a ballooon?
you set these out for santa on christmas eve
when do you give santa treats like cookies and brownies?
you wear these on halloween
when do you wear costumes?
you make them and frost them with a cross
what is a hot cross bun?
these are a side dish on the thanksgiving feast
when do you eat crackers?
it is wraped and can be any color or shape
what does a present look like?
you wear them on christmas eve while you sleep
when do you use pajamas?
they are all kinds of colors
how do you describe a pumpkin?
sometimes you find this in easter eggs
when do you put money in easter eggs?
you play with it on thanksgiving
when do you use plus plus?
the zodiac sign that is december 12 through january 16
when is the capricorn zodiac sign?
he visits you on this night and delivers presents
who is Santa?
some people believe that these creatures come out on halloween night
when do you see werewolves, witches, mummies, and ghosts?
you eat them for good luck
why do you eat raisins?
you see these walking on the streets
When do you see turkeys?
it can be any time of year
when are birthdays?