The day we celebrate Christmas
December 25th
The day Halloween is celebrated
October 31st
The season Easter takes place
When does summer starts
21st of June
When is your birthday?
Say the correct form of the date
We receive these from Santa
We ask for candy with this phrase
Trick or Treat
The animal mostly associated with Easter
The most popular destination in Summer
The Beach
The national day of your country
Spain - October 12th
Another name for the 31st of December
New Year's Eve
A type of monster that wants to eat your brain
Kids usually search for Easter...
This is how we call the time period where we don't have any obligations
A year has this many days
365 days
The traditional spot where Santa's workshop is
The North Pole
Female wizards that can turn you into a frog
The usual sweet you eat during Easter is...
The total length of Summer
Three months
This month has an extra year on leap years
These animals help Santa move around the world
Bats are mostly associated with these monsters
The time period where Easter takes place
Last week of April/First week of May
Summer ends this day
The total number of weeks in a whole year
Fifty-two weeks