What season does Christmas take place?
What food do you get from strangers on Halloween
Candy or chocolate
What is the traditional meat on Thanksgiving?
What shape is usually associated with Valentines Day
A heart
How many days in a year ( no leap years )
365 days
What tree is used for a Christmas tree
Evergreen Conifer ( spruce, pine, fir )
What do we wear on Halloween?
When is it Thanksgiving in Canada
Every second Monday of October
What food is most commonly shaped in hearts on Valentines
When does the new year start and when does it end ( not time, date )
December 31 and January 1
What colors are known to represent Christmas ( there are 3 )
Red, green and white
What three-word phrase do we use on Halloween?
Trick or Treat
When is it Thanksgiving in America
Every fourth Thursday in November
What is Valentine's day mascot? ( ex easter bunny )
What day is added every leap year?
Febuary 29
What is Santa Claus's name?
Saint Nicholas
What mood or feeling is halloween associated with
Scary of Frightning
True or False, Turkey wasn't on the menu at the first Thanksgiving
What day does Valentines Day take place
Febuary 14
What day does the chinese new year start THIS YEAR
Why do Christians celebrate Christmas
Christmas is celebrated to remember the birth of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the Son of God.
Where did carving pumpkins originate?
Why do we celebrate CANADIAN thanksgiving? ( Hint: nothing about pilgrims )
Thanksgiving Day, an annual national holiday in Canada celebrating the harvest and other blessings of the past year.
When was the first Valentines day
When was the calendar invented?
45 BC